Strange Things

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The whole family is gathered to celebrate the beginning of the new year. Jace sits at the keyboard playing New Year's songs while Stefan, who has no plans to go to bed, dances on the piano. George, Zoe, Alexander, Simon, and Isabella play cards while Matt, sitting on the couch between the pregnant women, talks to them. Katerina is now six months pregnant and Mary is three months pregnant.

After the incident at the party, Stella tried to contact Katerina several times, but she stuck to her decision and refused any contact. Stella even turned to Alexander. She visited him in his office and begged him to mediate, but he also refused her.

At some point, Katerina got up.

Katerina: Forgive the interruption, but may I have your attention for a moment? I would like to make an announcement.

Jace stops playing and sits down next to Mary, taking Stefan with him. The others put the cards away and turn to Katerina.

Matt: Well, Freckles? We are all ears.

Katerina clears her throat.

Katerina: In the six months I have been with you, I have loved you like a real family - the family I never had, and I'll be sad to lose you, when this is over.

Mary: It doesn't have to be that way. Right, guys?

Matt: Of course, it does. We don't have to lose touch.

Katerina: Are you serious?

Alexander: We are. You have said many times that you are just a vessel, but you are wrong.

Jace: You are family. You are one of us.

George: You are not alone anymore.

Katerina: Oh, my God! Thank you. I thank you so much. It really means a lot to me.

Isabella: Is that all you wanted to tell us?

Katerina: No. There's something else.

Simon: So, go ahead. Tell us.

Katerina: I want you to pay only the doctor and the agency's fee after the birth. I don't want my payment.

Matt: Freckles, no! That's wrong. You need to be paid. You should be rewarded.

Katerina: No! I don't want your money. You have already paid me - very generously - with your love and acceptance.

Alexander: That's not enough. You will give us the world. We should do something for you.

Mary: There must be something you really want.

Katerina: Yes, there is indeed.

Matt: What is it? Tell us.

Katerina: A job. A steady, well-paying job.

George: That's too easy. Especially when someone in here happens to be the owner of a multinational corporation. Isn't that right, Jace?

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