Oh, Dear God In Heaven, Have Mercy On Me !!!

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Please, can someone tell me that what I'm experiencing right now is a fucking nightmare and I'm not standing in the middle of fucking hell! HOW DID EVERYTHING GET SO FUCKED UP? Where do you want me to go? What do you want me to do? My ears hurt. The sound of the gunshot was deafening. It sounded like a thunderclap in the room. Right after that, three things happened at once. One, Simon and Alexander ran and pounced on Lisa, ripping the gun out of her hand. Two, Mary jumped in front of Jace and hugged him tightly. Three, Jace screamed.

 Three, Jace screamed

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Jace: NO!

There was something shocking about that scream. It was out of this world. I had never heard anything like it. He sounded like a wounded animal. A wounded, desperate lion. And Mary... She trembled and shook in Jace's arms as the bullet struck her small body. She started to fall, but he was there, not letting her hit the ground. He knelt down and held her tenderly in his arms as he tried to stop the bleeding by pressing on the wound with his bare hand. The blood flowed between his fingers. Why, God? Why did You let this happen? Why to them? WHY?

But the worst part was the blood. It was so much and flowed like a waterfall. It was up to my feet. How is it possible for such a small body to hold so much blood? Someone next to me is yelling to call an ambulance. Someone else to call the police, but I'm in no condition to do either. The only thing I can do is look at Jace and Mary. Mary remains still, like the pure white cloth. Jace sobs, covered in her blood. The flow of his tears mixes with her blood, making it look like pink. She opens her eyes. Every sound in the room falls silent. We all look at them with bated breath.

Mary: Why are you crying, my Prince?

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Mary: Why are you crying, my Prince?

Jace: Why, Mary? Why did you do this?

Mary: To save you.

Jace: And how will I live without you?

Mary: You will.

Jace: Please! Don't leave me!

Mary: I'll never leave you. I'll live on in your heart.

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