I Knew You Would Come!

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Simon's Lamborghini arrives at the meeting place where another car is waiting. A fixed black car with tinted windows and shiny, star-shaped wheels. A car Simon remembers very well.

He stops the car right behind the other vehicle, but he doesn't get out

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He stops the car right behind the other vehicle, but he doesn't get out. He remains motionless while his hands clasp the steering wheel with white knuckles. Jace and Alexander immediately see that something is wrong.

Jace: What's going on, man?

Simon: The driver used to be my deputy and ...

Alexander: And what else?

Simon: My best friend. We did everything together. We built everything together and I haven't seen him in almost seven years.

Jace: You haven't spoken to him at all in all those years?

Simon: Only once, when I asked him to take care of this bodyguard.

Alexander: You did that?

Simon: I gave the order. Procrustes took care of the rest.

Alexander: Who is this guy?

Simon: You don't want to know, believe me!

Jace puts his hand on Simon's shoulder and squeezes tightly.

Jace: Thank you, Simon. What you did ...

Simon doesn't have a chance to answer, because at that moment the driver's door of the black car opens and a tall, handsome man gets out and walks towards them.

Simon doesn't have a chance to answer, because at that moment the driver's door of the black car opens and a tall, handsome man gets out and walks towards them

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Simon: Negro ...

Alexander: Go on, Simon. We will give you some time alone with him.

Jace: Just give a sign or something when you are ready.

Simon: Thanks, guys.

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