You don't get over your past ...!

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Jace is sitting in the living room, looking through his schedule and drinking his coffee.

Mary and Stefan are still asleep upstairs, but Jace himself is pretty sleepy too

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Mary and Stefan are still asleep upstairs, but Jace himself is pretty sleepy too. They have had a rough night. Mary, despite being six months pregnant, had dizzy spells and terrible nausea all night, and Stefan was distraught for the first time, crying incessantly. Not even Jace could calm him down. But that was not all. Jace also had a pressure in his chest. A familiar pressure, like the one he had the day of the shooting. Something is going to happen. Something bad. Something really bad.

Jace jumps up out of his chair as the doorbell rings angrily.

Jace: What the ...? Who the hell is that?

He runs to the door with the intention of kicking the intruder's butt.

Jace: Stop it, damn it, whoever you are. You are going to wake them all up and I'm going to ...

He interrupts mid-sentence as he opens the door and sees who is behind it.

Jace: For Christ's sake! What the hell happened?

Alexander: I'm sorry, brother, but I didn't know where else to go.

Jace: Don't talk shit to me! Tell me what happened. Is there something wrong with Katerina or the baby?

Alexander: No. They are fine.

Alexander is in a terrible state. His voice is barely audible and his eyes are red and swollen from the tears that flow incessantly.

 His voice is barely audible and his eyes are red and swollen from the tears that flow incessantly

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Jace: And then what?

Alexander opens his mouth to speak, but he can't do it. His legs give out and he collapses. Jace grabs him just in time and pulls him into the house, closing the door with a kick.

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