A Little Piece Of Heaven

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We leave the suburbs behind and approach the city.

The car drives through the busy streets, passing other honking vehicles. People hurry up and down the sidewalks and crosswalks, looking for something. Work, money, food or drink, a meeting or a date, maybe a love. I used to be one of them. But not anymore. Now I've found what I was looking for, and he's sitting right next to me, driving the car, holding my hand, smiling at me.

Jace. My Jace!

I'm not going to lie; I still have a hard time believing what happened to me. It's going to take me quite a while to believe it! How is it possible that a man like him, a living god, has feelings for a woman like me? A useless maid. What can he possibly see in me?

Mary: Jace, how long will it take to get to your office?

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Mary: Jace, how long will it take to get to your office?

Jace: About ten minutes.

Mary: Then I have some time to ask you something.

Jace: Do I need to be worried, Angel?

Mary: No! No! Nothing like that!

Jace: Go ahead then.

Mary: What do you see in me?

Jace smiles even more and brings my hand to his lips, playfully biting my finger.

Jace: Angel, I'm going to need a lot more than ten minutes to answer that question. Trust me.

Mary: You are always teasing me!

Jace: You like it though.

Mary: No! It gets on my nerves!

Jace : Liar!

I pull my hand up, cross my arms in front of my chest and pout.

Jace : You're incredibly cute when you pout.

Is that so? Very well. Change of tactics!

Mary : Please, Jace. Tell me one thing. Just one thing!

Jace : You're bringing out the big guns, huh?

Mary : Everybody's got their guns, Boykin!

Jace : Boykin? How dare you, little Angel?

Mary : Come on, tell me now! Tell me, tell me, tell me!

Jace : Okay! Okay! Oh, God! I'm gonna tell you!

Mary: Thank you!

Jace shakes his head and tries to hide a smile, but I see it anyway.

Jace : God! I'm so damned!

The ☀️God And The ⭐️ Maid - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now