The Secret Place

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Thirty-five minutes later, we pull up in front of a wooden gate with the initials JcH and the words Private Property on the door. Jace gets out of the car and opens the gate.

Jace: Angel, please get in the driver's side and drive the car in.

I do as he says and he closes the gate behind us. I slide back into my seat and he gets back in.

Mary: Where are we?

Jace: I already told you. This is my secret place. I found this place by accident a few years ago and bought it immediately. After my father died, I was looking for a place to come to rest, to escape reality. I found it. I leveled the land and built a small cabin and since then I come here when I want to be alone.

Mary: You always come alone?

Jace: Yes.

Mary: Then why did you bring me here?

Jace: Because I want you to know everything about me, every part of me, even the dirty ones.

Mary: Do you have any?

Jace: Yes, Angel. We all do!

Mary: I think even your dirty parts are bright and clean.

Jace: Don't set your expectations so high, Angel. You'll be disappointed.

Mary: I don't think so, Jace.

I didn't hear Jace's answer because the landscape that appeared in front of me drew all my attention and took my breath away!

The white powdery sand and the towering palm trees with slender trunks make you think you are in a tropical paradise in the middle of the ocean

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The white powdery sand and the towering palm trees with slender trunks make you think you are in a tropical paradise in the middle of the ocean. And as for the sea ... The crystal-clear water, despite the cold outside, makes you want to lose yourself in it and swim for hours.

Mary: Holy shit, Jace!

Jace: Here we are, Angel. My very own fortress of solitude, and as of today, our very own Garden of Eden. What do you say to that?

Mary: Oh, Jace! It's... It's paradise!

Jace: I'm glad you like it!

Mary: I wish it was summer so we could go swimming!

Jace: Don't worry about it, baby. We have so many summers ahead of us in the future. Just like the rest of our lives.

We park the car under a big tree.

Jace: Do you want to see the cabin now or are you hungry?

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