There Is Always a Solution ...!

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~ FEBRUARY 1997 ~

Time flies when you're happy. Here we are, mid-February, a few days before Alexander and Matt's civil wedding. The ceremony is being held at Jace's house by the mayor himself. Jace asked him for a personal favor and after the very, very beneficial deal with Harronate Corporation for the community, he couldn't refuse.

Of course, news of the wedding spread even further, landing on the front page of the tabloids several times. But when the hottest gay couple in town gets married, it's hard enough to keep it a secret. However, our heroes tried not to leak anything - you know, date, time, place, etc. - they didn't succeed. We'll see why I mentioned this below.

Matt's ass is on fire. He's been running around all day trying to arrange all the details because Alexander gave him free rein on everything. But Matt isn't the only one running. Jace and Mary are pretty busy, too.

Mary is busy with the wedding gift for Alexander and Matt. You see, she wanted it to be handmade and unique, so she's locked in her studio the whole time. Jace is taking care of the baby while running the company from home. Not that he's complaining. He loves spending time with little Stefan, who feels the exact same way.

Stefan is almost five months old and the older he gets, the more he resembles his father. In everything except his eyes.

Mary has stopped nursing him because she couldn't get enough milk to meet his needs

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Mary has stopped nursing him because she couldn't get enough milk to meet his needs. He's begun to support his head and can roll on the floor. He's also started to produce sounds. Namely, a certain sound - DA - and only when he sees his father.

He really worships his father. Of course, he often asks about his mom and likes to sit on others' laps and play with them - especially his godfather - but he only smiles at Jace, who's the only one who can put him to sleep.

Let's take a look at what happens one random morning a few days before the wedding.



Jace sits behind his desk checking some bills while Clary - his secretary - paces back and forth behind his back, grumbling.

Jace: For heaven's sake, Clary. I'm trying to concentrate here. Stop grumbling and tell me what your problem is.

Clary: With all due respect, sir, but my problem is that I can't do my job properly in here.

Jace: And why can't you?

Clary: Because I don't have my computer with me. Everything is in there and without it I'm blind.

Jace: Here we go again! You can use mine. Kyle showed you how to hook into the company network from here, didn't he?

Clary: Yes, but ...

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