You Are Going Down, Philip Black ...!

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Simon and Isabella ring the doorbell and a few seconds later the door opens.

Mary: I didn't give you the keys for nothing. Why don't you use them?

Simon: Force of habit, sexy.

Isabella: And fear of what we might see!

They laugh and Mary rolls her eyes.

Mary: Very funny! C'mon, come on in.

They walk into the living room. When Stefan sees them, he runs and jumps on Simon.

Stefan: Si! Bella!

Isabella: My beautiful boy!

Simon: Hey, Tornado!

Stefan: Up. Up.

Simon: You want to fly, huh?

Stefan: Yay! Yay!

Simon lifts Stefan over his head and the boy opens his little arms and starts laughing boisterously.

Matt: Simon, you have to stop giving him everything he wants. He'll turn into a spoiled brat of world class otherwise.

Simon: Look who's talking! The man who gets down on all fours to play the donkey.

Mary: Don't argue, you two. It's too late. He's a spoiled brat of world class even before he was born. He's a beautiful cold manipulator.

Isabella: Just like his father.

Matt: You can say that again!

Simon: Yeah, but we're dying to be manipulated.

Isabella: By both of them.

Mary: You can say that again!

They burst out laughing. Simon sets Stefan down and he runs to Matt.

Matt: What do you want, Jellybean?

Stefan: Donkey.

Matt: I'm starting to regret my decision to get involved with the men of Harronate.

Simon: Come on, little donkey. On your knees. Chop, chop. That'll teach you not to give me advice.

Matt: Moron!

Matt falls to his knees and Stefan climbs on his back, while Simon struggles not to laugh. Then Isabella whispers something to Mary.

Isabella: Let's go to the kitchen. There's something I want to tell you.

Mary: Sure.

The two women go into the kitchen, leaving Matt and Simon alone with Stefan.


Mary: What's going on, Izzy? Do you need tutoring?

Isabella: No. I'm ready to graduate from this subject. You taught me really well, master!

They giggle.

Mary: What's it then?

Isabella: I'm afraid there's something wrong with me and I can't have children.

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