Apocalypse Now ...!

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Kyle's fingers begin to race on the keyboard ...

Kyle: Sir?

Jace: Well, that was fast.

Kyle: Piece of cake, sir.

Jace: Give me a second to call the others.

Jace goes into the living room and returns a few seconds later with the others.

Jace: Here we are, Kyle. Tell us what you found.

Kyle: I found the call, but I couldn't identify the caller because he or she was using a disposable cell phone.

Jace: I can't say I'm surprised.

Simon: It makes sense, man. If the bastard has anything to do with Matt's past, he wouldn't take any chances with a registered number.

Alexander: Well, what are you waiting for? Let us hear it.

Kyle: Sir?

Jace: Yes, Kyle. Do it.

Kyle presses some buttons and Matt's voice comes out of the speakers.

Matt: Hello?

Hearing that voice, the voice he loves so much, Alexander grimaces uncomfortably. Hearing Matt's lovely voice and knowing that he is somewhere far away and could be in grave danger is like a stab to the heart. Jace puts his hand on his shoulder and squeezes it.

Unknown caller: Hello, Sweet pie? Did you miss me?

Matt: You again!

Unknown caller: Always me.

Matt: Didn't I tell you to stop calling me?

Unknown caller: You did, but you know me. When I want something bad enough, I insist.

Matt: Not this time, George. I'm sick of this shit and I'm definitely sick of you. Go to hell!

Unknown caller: I'm already there, Sweet pie, and I'm waiting for you.

Matt: I told you I wasn't coming. End of story!

Unknown caller: All right, but don't tell me later I didn't warn you.

Matt: You are not going to do it. You are not going to hurt him.

Unknown caller: You want to bet? Are you willing to gamble with your beloved husband's life?

Matt: If you harm a single hair on his head, I will kill you in such an agonizing way that you will beg me to end you.

Unknown caller: I know that, Sweet pie, but don't you think it's a little too late for that? The man you love will be dead.

After that, there was radio silence for a while. The only sound that could be heard was their breathing.

Unknown caller: So, what's it going to be, Sweet pie? Are you coming with me or are you going to have a funeral?

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