A Ride With My Boss

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I am in the convertible with Jace right now. The wind is blowing my hair around. The sun warms my skin. Jace focuses all his attention on the road. His eyes turn in the mirrors and I stare at him. I can't take my eyes off him. I admire the curve of his lips, the chiseled lines of his jaw. I look for something wrong with his face, something ugly, but I can't find anything except that little scar on his eyebrow. Damn! Even the scar is sexy as hell.

 Damn! Even the scar is sexy as hell

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Mary: Can I ask you something?

Jace: You can ask me anything.

Mary: Where did you get that scar on your eyebrow?

Jace: Oh, that!

Jace touches the scar with his fingers.

Mary: If you don't want to tell me, that's fine.

Jace: No, no. It's not that. It's just a little embarrassing.

Mary : What? A jealous boyfriend hit you because you seduced his girlfriend?

Jace: Hey! Who do you think I am?

Mary: You have never done that before? Stealing someone else's woman, I mean.

Jace: I did it even though she came on to me, not the other way around. The question is how you can imagine anyone hitting me.

Mary: Sorry. That was a misunderstanding, Rambo.

Jace chuckles.

Mary: Come on, tell me about the scar.

Jace: At my father's funeral, I hit my head on his coffin when I fell into his grave.

Oh, my God! I am so stupid! Please let the earth open up and swallow me!

Mary: I'm so sorry, Jace! I didn't mean... I'm an idiot.

Jace: It's okay, Angel. It was a very long time ago. It doesn't hurt anymore, at least not that much.

Mary: Yeah, I know what you mean.

Jace: You know? How do you know?

Mary: I lost my parents when I was ten years old.

Jace takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine. It's the first time he does that and I feel good. Good and safe. I feel like I am at home.

Jace: Who did you grow up with after that?

Mary: With my grandmother, but she died too, seven years later. That's why I had to work. Do you think I became a maid for fun?

Jace: No! I think you became a maid so I could meet you.

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