Our Eternal Flame

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An inexpressible joy has filled the hospital room.

Matt: It's midnight!

Isabella: The year is up!

Simon: It's New Year's, people!

George: And we got the most amazing gift.

Alexander: Our girl is back.

Anouska: Did you see that, Prince Charming? So, I was right after all.

Jace raises his head, but he doesn't take his eyes off Mary, who looks at him with a smile. He answers Anouska and strokes Mary's face as if he doesn't really believe she's finally returned.

Jace: Yes, Anouska, and I don't know how to thank you for that.

Anouska: I know. Introduce me to your Snow White and we'll call it even.

Jace: I can definitely do that. Come here.

Matt sits Anouska down on the bed next to Mary, who has a hard time taking her eyes off Jace and looking at the little girl.

Jace: My Angel, this is Anouska. The little fairy who showed me how to bring you back.

Anouska: It's nice to meet you, Snow White.

Mary raises her hand and strokes Anouska's hair.

Mary: Me too, Anouska, and thank you so much for helping my prince.

Anouska: My friends won't believe me when I tell them I met Snow White.

Mary: Anyone who doesn't believe you, doesn't deserve to be your friend. True friends believe and trust each other, no matter what. Remember that.

Anouska: I will, but I have to go now. My mother will be looking for me. May I kiss you?

Mary: How could I say no to such a sweet kiss?

Matt: Be careful with the line on her shoulder.

Anouska: I know, Grumpy. My daddy has one too and I kiss him every day.

Matt: Jesus! Okay. I'm sorry.

Everyone laughs and Anouska hugs Mary and kisses her on the cheek. She jumps off the bed and runs out of the room.

Anouska: Goodbye and happy new year!

Jace: Goodbye Anouska and thanks again.

Anouska: Take care of your Snow, Prince. Don't let anyone hurt her again.

Jace: Never again, Anouska.

After that, Mary gets lost in the hugs and kisses from the family. Each of them has something different to say. Matt sits down next to her on the bed and takes her hand.

Matt: Don't you dare do anything like that again. You hear me, Biscuit? I've never been so scared before. You owe me ten years of my life!

Mary: I'm really sorry, Matty, but I had no choice. You understand me, don't you?

Matt: Yes, Biscuit. As much as I don't like it, I understand. I'd have done the same thing.

Mary: I love you, Matty.

Matt: I love you too, Biscuit.

Alexander approaches the bed and takes Mary into his arms.

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