The Calm Before The Storm

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Finally, it's damn funny how life goes sometimes. One day I have nothing and the next a man comes into my life. A perfect man who gives me everything I want. Happiness, partnership, a loving family and pleasure. A lot of pleasure.

Last night was absolutely magical! I stopped counting the number of orgasms I had. No! No kidding! By the time we were done, I felt dry and dehydrated. I was completely fulfilled and satisfied.

Last night was dedicated to me! Jace barely cared about himself. All he cared about was me! He tenderly tormented me for hours. After he left my breasts and finally devoted himself to another part of my body - to be honest - it was good that he took his time. Waiting made it even better!

The moment he touched my pussy over my panties and began rubbing the lacy fabric, I felt my clit swell at his touch. He lay down beside me, his hand still between my legs, his mouth at my ear.

Jace: Your clit contains 8,000 nerve endings. I'm going to arouse every one of them!

He pulled my panties aside and began to play with my clit. His fingers squeezed, rubbed, and pinched how and where they should before suddenly two of them slid into my vagina. I cried out.

Jace: I'm sorry, Angel, but it's so slippery down there. You're so fucking wet! You're driving me crazy!

I had reached my limit. His fingers slid in and out slowly and quickly. Fast and slow as he applied pressure to my clit with the heel of his hand. And the sound. Oh, my God! That sound! The sound of my wetness!

I tried to speak, to yell at him, to tell him I was ready and I wanted him to make me cum, but I couldn't get a single word out. But like I said before, when it comes to my Jace, words are useless! Just one look is enough.

Jace: What's up, baby? You ready? Do you want to cum?

I nodded desperately, but gratefully.

Jace: Let's see what I can do for you then.

With one hard thrust, he pushed his fingers all the way in and arched them upward.

I grabbed him by the hair and lifted my torso. We looked into each other's eyes.

Jace: What, baby? Faster?

I nodded again and he increased his pace. His long, delicate fingers throbbed inside me, giving me one of the most intense climaxes of my life.

Suddenly my voice came back and I screamed. Breathing heavily, I slumped on the mattress. Jace pulled his fingers out and I felt liberated as my juices leaked out of me. I could barely move, but Jace was far from done with me. Not that I was complaining, because what happened next was much better! He held his hand in front of my nose and wiggled his fingers.

Jace: Angel, it seems like you left a mess on my fingers!

Mary: I'm sorry.

He bent over me.

Jace: It doesn't matter, baby, as long as you clean it all up with your pretty little mouth!

He put his fingers in my mouth and after I sucked my juice, he kissed me! No one has ever done anything like that to me before! All that stimulation in one. Jace is the only man who could awaken all my senses. Touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell. All my senses working for him. Only for him.

Jace: Taste it, Angel. Taste how delicious you are! Your juices are like nectar to me.

Mary: You're a god, Jace. My God. I could do nothing less. A god must drink nothing but nectar!!!

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