I Would do anything for you

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~ MARY's P.O.V ~

Does such a thing even exist in real life? Yesterday I could have sworn it didn't. And yet here I am! Living in my own fairy tale with my very own Prince Charming! Now tell me...

What would Jesus Christ be without Judas? Just another insignificant evangelist. The same is true of fairy tales. Without the villains, they would all be just a bunch of boring, silly stories.

So, after the drama ended with Mariza, Matt made his way to the center of the room.

Matt: Ladies and gentlemen, let the magic begin!

The lights dim and music blares from speakers that seemed to be invisible. Alexander throws something to Matt and he catches it very quickly. With a dance-like turn, he walks up to Jace, curtsies to him, and takes off an imaginary hat.

Matt: Red string tied, wrapped in the spinning wheel. Give it a kick to make it spin... the fairy tale to begin!

He hands Jace what Alexander threw him earlier. It's a small, velvet, violet box. Jace takes the box and looks at Matt and Alexander in utter confusion. Alexander shrugs with a smile and points at Matt. Jace looks back at Matt.

Jace: What are you doing? This isn't what we agreed on!

Matt: I was improvising a bit for Mary. Don't ruin it for her!

Jace: Oh! All right.

Jace walks over to me. Even though I already know what's going to happen, my heart starts pounding violently, I break out in a cold sweat, and I can barely breathe. I can feel all my blood pooling in my cheeks and I get a little weak in the knees. I lift my gaze and look at Jace, who smiles.

At that moment, everyone around me disappears

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At that moment, everyone around me disappears. It's like no one is in the room anymore. I don't see anyone. I'm not listening to anyone. Just him. He sinks to one knee and takes my hand.

Jace: My little Angel... All my life I've begged God to send me an angel, and a few days ago he answered my prayers and put you in my path. I've loved you from the first moment I saw your eyes, and I promise here before God and our family to love you until my last breath. Maybe some will say it's too soon, but I've waited so long for you and I can't wait any longer, so...

Jace opens the box and I open my mouth. Before my eyes is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. It's made of gleaming platinum and set with tiny, glittering diamonds. Its cut and design are the most beautiful ever, but what literally takes your breath away is the huge iridescent violet diamond in the center. It sparkles under the bright lights and inside it shadows flicker in all shades of purple. This isn't just a jewel... It's a masterpiece!

 It's a masterpiece!

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