Opening Pandora's Box

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The next few days flew by.

In the mornings, when Jace was in the office, I spent my time mostly with Matt, but also with Simon or Isabella.

Simon took me to his restaurants. He owns two chains of five restaurants each. One with French cuisine and one with Italian. At first, I thought it would be Chinese cuisine because all the restaurants are called Dragon's Nest, but I was wrong. When I asked him why he named all the restaurants that, he said he wanted to honor his past, but he didn't reveal anything about it.

Simon is a very interesting man. He may look like a saint, but there's something smoldering under the surface. There's a mystery in his eyes. I'd bet my life that this man has a very, very dirty past. Not necessarily bad, just sordid.

Isabella took me shopping and not only that. She took me to hair salons, beauty salons, massage parlors, and the spa. She showed me a different world. A whole new world that I knew existed but couldn't afford before. But don't think, even for a minute, that Isabella is one of those rich women who only care about appearances and fashion. Nothing of the sort.

She's a very smart and deep young woman. She cares about our neighbors, especially the children, and loves animals. Very often she volunteers at homeless and animal shelters. She makes anonymous donations to orphanages and hospitals. And she knows everything about art. Painting, literature, poetry, music, and theater. When I told her I used to paint, she suggested I do it professionally. Not to make a living at it, of course, but I could donate the proceeds to charity.

That's what I'd like to do - use my paintbrushes again. I'm seriously thinking about talking to Jace about it. I'm sure he'd love to help me start over. Besides, he's my inspiration.

Matt and I spent most of our time at home. We laid in bed and talked for hours. I told him all about my life. About the death of my parents, the struggle to survive, my grandma, the job changes. Matt only talked about Alexander and his life after meeting him. Nothing about his past life, no matter how much I insisted. He begged me to stop asking and there was shame in his eyes. Shame and pain. My poor Matt. What happened to you? I think it has something to do with the scar he has on his thumb. I hope one day he'll feel safe with me and tell me everything.

Whatever! That was all about the mornings. Now let's talk about the afternoons and nights.

Every afternoon I'd wait for Jace to come home. When he crossed the threshold, the house somehow became brighter and warmer, and his melodious voice was music to my ears. " Angel! I'm back! " And I ran into his arms.

After that, we'd lock ourselves in the bedroom and disappear into our own world

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After that, we'd lock ourselves in the bedroom and disappear into our own world. Jace would enjoy me and I'd enjoy him!

And with that, it was Saturday. The day of the reception. The day we put our plan into action. The day we opened Pandora's box!

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