The Omens We Didn't Take Seriously ...!

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Matt: Then help me to understand. What's really bothering you? That's not like you. The Jace I know wouldn't have reacted like that if he wasn't afraid of something. What are you so afraid of, Jace?

Jace looks at Matt, and his beautiful brown-gold eyes sparkle with fear.

Jace: That something bad will happen to her and I won't be able to protect her and the worst part is that I know I'm responsible for that bad.

Matt walks over to Jace and sits down next to him. He puts his hand on his knee and squeezes it with compassion.

Matt: Welcome to the club, brother.

Jace: What club?

Matt: The club of men in love with fucking premonitions.

Jace: Do you think all those fears come from love?

Matt: Of course. Think about it. For the first time, you have someone in your life you can't afford to lose.

Jace: My Mary.

Matt: Exactly!

Jace: Is that how you feel? About Alex, I mean.

Matt sighs.

Matt: Every single moment of every single day.

Jace: Why does something as beautiful as love have to be so damn complicated?

Matt: Because nothing beautiful is simple. That's just the way life is.

Jace: Matt, if something bad happens to her...

Matt: Don't say that. Nothing's gonna happen. We're not going to let it.

Jace: But she's so fragile.

Matt: She's stronger than you think.

Jace: I hope you're right.

Matt: I am.



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I stand in the shower. The hot water is running down my body. My skin has turned red. I feel uncomfortable, but I don't move. I don't move because if I do, I'm afraid I'll freeze to death. Because that's exactly how I feel when Jace isn't around. Frozen!

I don't get it! Why did he yell at me? What did I say? What's it to him anyway? And what was all that crap about him being bad for me? Is that even possible?

Okay! That's enough! Enough is enough!

Get ready, Mr. Harronate, because I'm gonna kick your perfect ass!

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