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In a studio, cameras were flashing. It wasn't your typical one camera 'professional' photo shoot, No, there were a multitude of cameras from camcorders to polaroids, all were focused on one person, one woman as she sat on the couch desperately trying to smile and hide the uncomfortable feeling she felt with all the hungry gazes from the men in the studio. It wasn't anything new to her but it's rather something she'll never get used to no matter how many times she models in such revealing clothes. She really doesn't get why people buy things when they are advertised by a beautiful, semi-nude person nowadays but this particular product she was modelling was lingerie and it was from one of the most expensive collections in the city. Luckily, she'll keep it just like the rest of the clothes she modelled in, what a life.

"No, no, no! Don't show your teeth when smiling! Close your mouth and look at the camera like the seductress that you are!" The main cameraman scolded the woman who huffed and did as she was told like a good little robot that the industry has molded her into but it's only for the camera.

"You're doing so well, Dalia" the woman's sponsor praised even though he knew nothing about the poses and angles of the pictures, he just puts in the money and gets Dalia gigs.

"Thank you, sir" Dalia smiled at the man but behind that fake smile, hatred was dancing in the woman's eyes. Her heart harbours a lot of hatred for the man, the man who kindly introduced her to the industry when she was fresh and young, not really knowing what she wanted to do at the age of 14, still too young for such.

Her sponsor was in his early forties, a couple of years younger than her own father but who's complaining, she gets the money for each gig and what he wants in exchange is something she doesn't hold any value for anymore, herself. She's sold herself to the industry and is determined to stay afloat for a long time.

It all started with a young girl with big dreams - to be famous - but now that young girl is all grown up and realises the glitz and glamour they see on TV isn't all peaches and cream. It comes at a price and that price is in the form of a sexual favour

Couch casting:: The casting couch is a euphemism for the practice of soliciting sexual favors from a job applicant in exchange for employment in the entertainment industry, primarily acting roles.
It's quite common in the industry and unfortunately, Dalia is a victim.

"Okay let's wrap it up! Good job as always Miss Greystone" Dalia smiled at the cameraman as her sponsor gave her his jacket to wear for the time being.

"Good job, same time tonight" Mr Wells lightly brushed the girl's hair and walked towards her manager, going to talk about goodness knows what.

Dalia scowled and slowly walked with poise towards her dressing room to finally get rid of the itchy and revealing fabric she has been wearing for the past two and a half hours.
"Disgusting man" she clicked her tongue as she thought back to what her manager reminded her. At least Mr Wells wasn't married so that made her feel a little less disgusted at their affair, an affair which has been going on for a long time.


"Welcome, sir" Dalia greeted the older man as he walked into her penthouse like he owned it, of which he did but we don't need to make it a point, he bought it for Dalia so it's hers.
"I see you're still keeping this place clean for me, am I right Dalia dear" the way he spoke oozed of pervasive and paedophilia tendencies, he did start couch casting Dalia when she was 17 so yeah Mr Wells is a paedo.
"Only for you, sir" the woman's smile was stiff and so fake but Mr Wells was never good at seeing beyond people's smiles so he just thought she was being kind.

Mr Wells gestured for Dalia to lead the way and the girl did, to the guest bedroom they always used and the night went on.

Well, first chapter out! This will be quite...I don't know how to put it into words but you'll see as you read on. :] Enjoy~☕

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