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"S-stop stop!!! I said stop!!!" Dalia was really pissed off at this point. She woke up to an arguing couple and now they were throwing profanities at each other. She doesn't know why the couple was fighting but she definitely doesn't like it one bit. Like come on! They are lucky to have each other and meanwhile Dalia has had to endure their sappy flirting and moments in the sidelines, it's honestly nauseating because they are sickeningly sweet but she'd prefer that over seeing them swearing at each other like a couple on the brink of a divorce.

"Shut up!" The couple yelled at Dalia who narrowed her eyes at them.
"You shut up and go to your car and fix your problems. I don't want to hear why you're arguing nor do I want to hear the dirt you have against each other. Fix it! Fighting is not an option" Dalia pointed at the two, beyond annoyed at this point. "Go on" Dalia urged them, holding the door open. Bradley and Audrey both walked out of their house like kids being put on timeout.

After slamming the door and locking it, Dalia quickly makes her way to the kitchen, knowing she'll spend yet another day watching TV. Honestly she's sick of her monotonous schedule but she has nothing to do. She doesn't want to look for a job and neither is she interested in helping to plan Jennifer's wedding, she just wants to be left alone and possibly go to a club and get laid. It's been quite a while, a month is too long for her.

Outside, Bradley and Audrey are sitting next each other in the back seat of their car.
"You always doubt me Audrey and I'm sick of it. It's either you begin to trust me fully or we break it off" this all started when Bradley returned late the night before. He had to help around in the studio with a forgotten scene and then an actress had fainted due to fatigue and he had to assist the few staff members to get her to a nearby clinic. He had come back late last night with make up smudges on his shirt and Audrey had seen them and immediately assumed Bradley slept with someone outside which caused them to fight.

"But Bradley! What was I supposed to think, you came late and you had stains on your shirt!" Audrey yelled, annoying her boyfriend more.
"Can you not, you've been shouting all morning and I'm honestly tired of your voice. It's irritating and you keep spewing nonsense with that ugly mouth" Audrey was offended and didn't really mean to say what she said, It was an honest mistake.
"Uh huh, and when your girl toy yells at you you find it entertaining. I'm sure you let her treat you like the filth that you are"

Bradley squinted his eyes in anger before leaving the car and knocking on the door harshly. Dalia opened the door but didn't expect an angry Bradley walking in heaving and a shocked Audrey following behind muttering apologies. Dalia took that as her cue to leave the house, she knows the couple will make up and she doesn't want to be around so she gets dressed and decided to her dear sister a visit.

Heath was surprised to see Dalia come unannounced at the manor. He didn't really expect her and was extra surprised seeing her being all smiles and happiness.
"Good day father" Dalia greeted warmly.
"Good day Dalia, are you here to see Jennifer?"
"On the contrary, I'm here to accompany her. She had asked me to go with her and pick a dress" Dalia smirked, Heath not noticing it feeling happy that his youngest daughter was finally opening up.
"Okay, tell one of the maids to get her" Dalia nodded smiling brightly.


"Thank you for coming with me Dalia" Jennifer was really surprised and thought that Dalia was being genuine with her actions that day.
"I said it's alright, after all we are sisters" sisters that word was quite foreign to Dalia. She always drew a line but now, just for today she'll use it with a not so clean heart.

"How does this look?" It was  a white, strapless, mermaid dress with a diamond studded belt and a small crown as a head piece. It was beautiful, exactly up to Dalia's taste.
"It's gorgeous on you, take it. You'll see, Richard will fall head over heels for you again" Dalia cheered, making Jennifer blush before she ordered a staff to pack that dress. She was so happy that Dalia came to help her.

On the way home, the two women talked well together as if there was no hard feelings but suddenly Dalia kept quiet, feeling quite shocked as her car wouldn't slow down.
"Dalia why are you speeding up?" Jennifer asked as they entered the gates of the Greystone's manor.
"I...the car won't stop" Dalia was panicking as she stepped  (or rather faked) the brakes but the car wouldn't stop.
"Dalia we're gonna crash! Dalia stop the car!!! Dalia! Dalia!!!" Jennifer screamed hysterically as her life flashed before her eyes. The car was heading for the fountain in the middle of the front yard and Dalia stepped on the brakes and with a jolt, the car stopped.

Jennifer fell flew out of the car before throwing up, too shocked whilst Dalia alit the car like nothing happened. She stood in front of Jennifer who was kneeling on the floor next to her mess. She was shaking out of fear and when she looked at a smiling Dalia, she felt wetness pooling on her knees and she realised she pissed herself.

"Wow...you're a baby. It was a joke Jen, my car doesn't have any faults" Jennifer started crying, seeing the maids and guards outside and whispering and after a while Sophie and Heath came out of the mansion only to see a crying Jennifer and slightly shaking Dalia.

"T-the car, brakes. F-father we nearly...I can't" Dalia covered her face silently laughing looking at a messy Jennifer.

"That's for tearing my dress" she thought, slightly happy that her father was comforting her. Jennifer was too shook to tell the truth. Dalia was always one to retaliate but this was too much, the embarrassment was killing her.


Team Jennifer or Team Dalia? :) was that a little too mean on Dalia's side?

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