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"Dalia~!!!" Audrey yelled practically running along the hallways. Dalia had just woke up from yet another nap. Audrey finally spotted her friend and quickly dragged her back to her room, grinning like the idiot she is.

"You're going out!" Audrey announced, going through Dalia's wardrobe.
"With whom and why?" Dalia just wanted to sleep that afternoon away, she was feeling very tired after an awkward sleeping pattern but then her friend...
"With my cousin because I said so" Audrey reasoned, finally finding the perfect outfit.
"I don't know your cousin, I'm not going" Dalia declared, throwing herself on the bed. She'll just sleep again.

"Come on, please Dalia~ do it for me" Audrey looked at Dalia innocently before the latter sighed, sitting up.
"Okay, where am I going?"
"A blind date!" Audrey yelled and Dalia wasn't liking that.
"I'm too young to be going to a blind date. Tell your cousin to text me first before we meet up" Dalia gestured to her phone.
"No. You're going and that's final so stand up and go take a shower, I'm sure you already sweat from your little walk" Dalia groaned as she was pushed towards the general bathroom.

"Wear this" Audrey chucked a dress at Dalia who was now in a better mood after taking a shower. Dalia did as she was told, nothing weird in undressing in front of Audrey. After she had successfully worn it, Audrey made her sit down in front of the mirror.
"I'll apply very light make up on you, he likes girls that aren't too artificial and you're already beautiful. My pretty friend" Audrey wanted to hide Dalia from the world, she was so pretty in that moment, she was natural. "I feel like a proud parent, fly my little butterfly" Dalia rolled her eyes at Audrey's drama but silently smiled as she wore her shoes.

"So make sure you don't be a shy potato there. You are Dalia and you should make that buffoon swoon for you, okay. Then you'll go to your family gatherings with him and rub it in your father's face and that J-jennifer's face. You'll find a job and live with him okay? Okay! Go get him Dalia!" Audrey handed the younger her car keys before escorting her out. Their little pep talk really boosted Dalia's confidence but it was already high. "Have fun!" Audrey yelled, waving at the disappearing car.

"Where is she going?" Bradley asked from behind.
"To a date with my cousin, I set her up" Bradley didn't like that, he had become attached to his sex buddy and felt a bit jealous.
"Good for her" Bradley tried to not show he was bitter and thankfully Audrey was quite dense sometimes.
"Really and now we have the whole house to ourselves" Audrey smirked, slowly towards Bradley and kneeling in front of him, right between his legs.


Dalia checked the name of the restaurant Audrey had given her and it was the right one. She finally turned off the engine, taking a deep breath before she shakily walked towards the restaurant after locking the car, bag at hand. She entered the silent yet loud atmosphere as her eyes wandered around.
"Excuse me, I have a resevation under Audrey Winter" Dalia told the waiter at the door and she was led to a table but it was already occupied. Dalia slowly sat down and looked at the male in front of him.
"Good evening" the man smiled lightly at Dalia and she nearly fell over with her chair. His eyes were shining brightly and his smile was beautiful, he was beautiful.
"Evening" but Dalia kept her cool, trying to not seem fazed by him.

"I'm Matthew, I suppose Audrey had told you a little bit about me" the now named guy assumed, taking a sip of his water elegantly.
"Not really, she only said that I'll meet you here. By the way I'm Dalia" Dalia was being so polite, it's unlike her really.
"Typical Audrey, she's always like that" Matthew chuckled and Dalia already felt like exploding.
"Yeah~ she really likes surprises..." Dalia trailed off, biting her lower lip.

"You're being quite awkward Miss, you know?" Matthew pointed out, paging the menu at his hands.
"Pardon my behaviour but this is the first time I'm on a blind date and I'm quite too young for this"
"How old?"
"23, how about you?" Dalia hoped he's not that old, he's looks quite young though.
"40...I'm kidding I'm 25" he was only a year older than Audrey.
"Cool" they slipped into an awkward silence but we're saved when a waitress had come by to take their orders.

"So~ this is very awkward" Matthew finally broke the silence, making Dalia chuckle.
"Too awkward for my liking, it's just that I'm new to this and I don't even know what to ask or say"
"Well, we can start with general questions like what's your favourite colour" Matthew smiled at Dalia who smiled back.
"Blue and purple" she answered, playing with a fork.
"Mine is...don't judge me but it's pink" the woman couldn't help but laugh, she really didn't expect that.
"I'm not going to judge you, it's cute, not my goto colour but pink is cute and so are you" Dalia winked with a smirk, thinking she succeeded in flustering the man but Matthew cleared his throat before smirking back.
"Smooth but you didn't get me, you need to work harder"
"Whatever" Dalia huffed, a small genuine smile gracing her lips.

"Should I drop you off?" Their awkward blind date had finally come to an end and the two had decided they wanted to meet again only because they enjoyed each other's company and now Matthew asked the golden question.
"No need to, I brought my own car but thank you for the offer" Dalia politely declined. They both grinned stupidly at each other before awkwardly hugging.
"See you?" Matthew asked.
"See you" Dalia nodded and she skipped towards her car, a wide smile decorating her face.

"Audrey you're too sly" Dalia quietly muttered to herself as she drove down the streets of the beautiful city she lives in.

Sorry...I'm not really good at writing dates :D but now we met Matthew, thoughts about him?
Anyway, stay tuned...☕

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