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Audrey lightly hit the table with the dessert spoon. She was dining with her very good friend, Jennifer. They had met up for a casual meal between friends and somehow Jennifer was able to drive the topic towards their relationship. Jennifer just revealed the sweet parts of hers, hiding the dark sides. She would never reveal that she and her husband sleep on separate rooms or that there's no love between them. Jennifer loves Richard sincerely but Richard just sees Jennifer as someone he's married with, no feelings involved.

"So, how about you? You recently told me he proposed, how is your relationship now?" Jennifer liked hearing about others' relationships, it was quite interesting seeing their faces as they told her stories about their lovers. It's cute in her eyes.
"Well, I'd say all is well but I'd be lying. I know we're engaged and he tried by all means to spend his free time with me but whenever he's next to me, it feels like he's there but yet so far away. We do talk and romance but the feelings feel one-sided like he's seeing someone. I just don't know, it's just growing colder and colder" Jennifer sympathized with her friend genuinely.
"I'd say we're facing the same thing but you are used to receiving his love while in my marriage, I'm the only one in love" Jennifer unconsciously said. Audrey was shocked at this revelation.
"Uh...I don't even know what to say, you've been lying to me?" Audrey felt a tinge of hurt, her friend, close to a best friend was lying to her.
"I'm sorry, it's just that I always want to seem perfect. My mother forces this perfect person façade on me and I got used to lying to people. You're my only genuine friend, please don't stop talking to me" Jennifer was really desperate. Audrey simply nodded, the desperation in her friend's eyes swayed her easily.
"I won't but you don't have to be fake with me, I'm real when I'm with you so stop pretending" Audrey tried to sound stern but her voice was wavering.
"I won't anymore, I'm truly sorry" Jennifer apologized once more, the lunch between the friends continuing silently.


"I have news!" Audrey was bouncing one afternoon in the living room, her phone at hand. Her fiance and best friend were sitting on the couches watching TV before she interrupted.
"What are the news?
"Good or bad?"

"Good news my little Greystone and the news is that I Audrey the actress has been invited to a gala! It's next week in the next town so I'll be leaving over the weekend but sadly I cannot get a plus one because I'm someone's plus one" Audrey explained, her feet well above the floor because of the elation she felt but it's impossible for humans to fly, literally.
"That's Good! I'm happy for you" Dalia grinned before hugging her friend. It was weird for her to initiate skinship between the two but Audrey didn't mind. Meanwhile, Bradley was happy for an entirely different reason, no Audrey means more time with Dalia alone. With that thought, Bradley quickly joined at the mini celebration the two friends were having.

The next day, Dalia woke up with a huge grin, today was the day she's been waiting for all year. Yes, her year started kind of rough and got worse as time went by but today is supposed to be the best day of the year right? Dalia did her morning routine, adorning herself in a pretty outfit and she looked magazine ready. The woman left her room and she felt a little bit of happiness as she saw Audrey leisurely lying on the couch.

"Hey Audrey!" Dalia greeted in a high-pitched voice.
"Hey, why are you so happy?" Audrey was surprised really, all Dalia did was mope all day and smile only to her phone but seeing her grinning wasn't sitting well with her.
"Aren't you forgetting what day it is today?" Dalia asked, her smile gradually decreasing.
"Not at all except that I have to meet Jennifer, she had promised to accompany me to an audition for a drama" Dalia frowned, she was the one so always accompanied Audrey.
"Oh, sure. But don't you think you're forgetting something that has to do with me?" Dalia was slowly becoming angry.
"Not at all" Audrey clueless of the volcano that was her friend smiled.
"Fine! I didn't expect you to know anyway" Dalia stormed back to her bedroom, slamming the door shut. Anger was really a familiar feeling for her but she never thought she'd feel it on her birthday or that her best friend would forget it. What a world!

Dalia was moody the rest of the day, she didn't smile nor laugh. She constantly checked her cell phone but there were no birthday wishes for her even from her family. She went to a small bakery early evening, tired of being alone and she brought a slice of cake with a candle. She wanted to cry, her heart hurt so much. Everyone forgetting her birthday, again. It isn't the first time it happened, on the contrary it's actually the sixth year no one wished her a happy birthday, even Mr Wells used to forget it even though he was obsessed with the woman.

"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me...this is stupid but happy 24th birthday Dalia" she gruffly sang for herself before blowing out the small candle. She poked the cake with the fork, not really wanting to eat alone and as if the universe heard her, a warm hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Hey Dalia, I almost didn't see you" the said person's heart nearly burst with immense happiness as she looked at her love interest smiling down at her.
"Oh...hi Matt" Dalia didn't know what to say really. The sudden appearance after her wish as she blew the candles rendered her speechless. Her birthday wish just came true.
"Dalia, happy birthday" Matthew said, presenting a small box to Dalia who was too touched to even form a sentence other than a silent thank you.

She didn't think Matthew would remember such an insignificant thing. Matthew sat across her as they shared the slice of cake. Matthew didn't ask why she was sitting alone and Dalia was grateful for that. She wasn't in the mood to answer questions.

"Do you want to dance?" Matthew asked when the cashier suddenly turned on classic music.
"But there are tables and it's quite embarrassing to dance alone" Dalia tried to make excuses but Matthew was stubborn.
"There's no one here except us, let's enjoy the evening Mhm. It's your birthday after all" Dalia hesitantly took Matthew's hand before they swayed along with the music. Dalia had danced with people from time to time but this was by far her best dance ever. They were both experienced in waltzing.

As the night grew darker and colder, the couple only danced harder. Matthew dipped Dalia who squealed in surprise before he brought her back to a vertical base.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" Matthew asked, making Dalia's cheeks burn.
"Y-yes I am" the song switched to a much slower one as the two accidentally held eye contact.
"Good, then I'm doing a good job" Matthew whispered, his eyes wandering down to Dalia's strawberry lips. Dalia suddenly felt shy, she was well aware of Matthew's gaze and she didn't even try to hide herself as she looked at Matthew's rosy lips.
"Can I?" Matthew whispered, Dalia nodding before the man brought his lips down to the woman's. The kiss was soft, no tongues involved - actually it was just a long peck before Matthew removed his lips from Dalia's. Her eyes were shining as she looked at her crush who just kissed her. Dalia's phone rang, interrupting the little moment and she grumbled.

"I...I-I gotta go" Dalia stuttered, blushing profusely
"Okay" Matthew released Dalia from his hold and he watched the shorter woman leaving the bakery.
"Why?" Matthew groaned into his hands, his heart feeling cold.


Well, that's that. What do you think about Audrey and Jennifer and Audrey and Dalia's friendship? We're
reaching the end by the way. Stay tuned...☕

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