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"I'm sorry Bradley please talk to me" pathetic...that was what was going through Dalia's mind. She just can't picture herself begging someone to forgive her. If they don't want to then they might as well go to hell. Bradley and Audrey haven't been talking for almost a week now. It was just short greetings and no overly cheesy flirting and sappy romantic words exchanged between them. Dalia was actually starting to get worried.

It all started when Bradley came back late with makeup smudges on his shirt. By that time, Audrey had been asleep but she saw the stains the next morning when she was looking for her bracelet in the laundry basket. She yelled at Bradley, not even wanting to hear his explanation. Bradley just let her be with her assumptions but he had later on saw a couple of messages in Audrey's cell by accident. There were a series of chats exchanged between Audrey and the other man ranging from a scheduled dates to "I like you". Let's just say Bradley was beyond hurt and angry which is why now the couple isn't on talking terms.

Dalia tapped Audrey's shoulder, getting her attention and she didn't really look good. The two women locked themselves in Dalia's room. Audrey had red eyes and was occasionally sniffling a bit.
"What did you do?" Dalia asked, arms crossed
"I accused him of cheating and then he saw messages on my phone between me and my manager" let's just say Audrey and her manager had a thing going on but it's just that the manager liked Audrey and Audrey didn't really have the heart to reject him.
"So you accused him of something he didn't do but you're doing it? That's wrong on so many levels Audrey, if I were him...I would give you the silent treatment too or actually cheat" and Dalia was telling the truth, she hates people like that.
"But he had returned with ma-"
"-I already know about that but you heard his reasons and they were valid. You and your trust issues are really going to cost you something beautiful" Dalia said, she was really jealous of her friend but then it's the right kind of jealousy...most of the time.
"But Dalia you're my best friend! You should side with me~!"
"Yeah, I'm your friend but you were utterly stupid. I will support you in the good things you do but this mess with Brad you created is something I won't get be a part of" With that said, Dalia left her room going to see how Bradley was doing. During her little stay with them, she found the male less annoying and more attractive than friendly.

Dalia sat in front of Bradley with a small smile etched her face.
"You should forgive her" Dalia said deep down knowing it'll hurt seeing them being all sappy and in love.
"I can't, why would she do what she suspects I'm doing. I hate the fact that she makes it seem like I'm always wrong when in reality it's always her" Bradley raised his voice a bit, anger lacing his voice, "and if you're gonna side with her then don't show up in my face Dalia" Bradley didn't mean that but at the same time he didn't want to be in front of untrustworthy people.
"I'm not siding with anyone but just think about it, you guys love each other. Think about how I feel when I see you fighting when you're my favourite couple even though you're behaving like a couple of idiots. Do it for me, please" Dalia was looking at Bradley with hooded eyes. She didn't want him to know she lusted over him. It was wrong but Bradley was happily returning the look but Audrey broke their little starring contest, again, by coming behind Bradley and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
"Bradley I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have accused you of cheating and I should've never entertained my manager but I just couldn't reject him. He is my friend and I don't want our friendship to end just because I love someone else" Audrey was close to crying once again, She hated the silence between them. Dalia silently watched the two before she smirked and quietly made her way out to get some fresh air, she secretly liked the discord between the couple. She has had a thing for Bradley once upon a time and she wouldn't object to even having secret affair with him.

"Love birds~" Dalia sang, looking ahead at the wonderful view of hills. She was standing on top of a raised platform in the backyard. She occasionally came here but it has become her somewhat new favourite place in the house. She was still basking in the serene silence when her phone rang. She grumbled and when she saw the caller ID, she rejected it. She didn't want to hear what Sophie wanted to say to her that particular day, at least she knows they won't bring up what she did to Jennifer since it happened a week ago.


"Heath dear she won't answer the phone" Sophie complained to her husband who only sighed, already tired with all the stress from the day.
"Then don't bother, she knows when's the wedding and she'll just have find out on the wedding day that she's the maid of honour"

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