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Camcorders, Polaroids, cameras and other devices were littering the large studio.

"And cut!" The director motioned for the people who were shooting a scene to leave the stage. Audrey was casted in this drama as a minor character who only has three scenes. She wonders when her career will blow up but she's only 20 so what's the rush. Thankfully, Dalia had said she wanted to see the studio and stage so she was on the other side of the room silently cheering for Audrey because this was her biggest gig yet.

"Okay, Audrey you're next" the director said, making Audrey break into a cold sweat as her previous nerves came back. Audrey walked towards the stage before she faced the camera. The face of the director instantly blew her away but what shocked her the most was her best friend winking at him. "Proceed" the director ordered now paying full attention to the young actress who looked so innocent in the little dress she was wearing.

Audrey cleared her throat before taking a series of deep breaths and finally getting into character.

"Why do they always bother me for information. I'm not a nerd neither am I a computer genius. I'm just me. I wish I'd diss- ahh" the crew members were all blown away by the softness of Audrey's voice as she played out her character of a random person who got a monologue. She even delivered the scream very well and the director called the 'cut' before clapping.

"That was amazing, you're doing so well Audrey. I don't even have to retake it" every word the man said to her just pulled Audrey in and in. She was very familiar with the feeling she was experiencing at that moment. "T-thank you sir" she stupidly stuttered before she left the stage to look for her friend to which she quickly found. She was staring into nothing, a frown etched on her face. Audrey knows exactly why but she doesn't bring it up nor does she ask what was wrong instead she ran towards her friend - squealing.

"Dalia...I just saw the most handsome guy ever!" Audrey gushed, leaning against her best friend who only smiled.
"And who is that? Do I know him?" Dalia asked, playing with her friend's short, shoulder-length hair.
"I don't know but it's the director. I think I'm in love"
"But Audrey, that's the guy I told you about yesterday" Dalia pointed out, irritation seeping into her as her already damp mood worsened.
"Really? But you can't be seeing people just after getting out of a long relationship and besides, it's not like he knows you" Dalia was now angry but she chose to stay quiet rather than arguing with her friend.


The next day, Dalia accompanied Audrey to the studio yet again and they both arrived extra early so they could greet the director. Audrey, being the forward person she is quickly approached the man with a huge smile.
"Good morning" she greeted, with a more shyer voice than her usually loud one.
"Uh ... morning? Are you perhaps a crew member?" The director questioned, observing the smaller female in front of him.
"No, I'm Audrey"
"Audrey who? I don't really remember having an Audrey around here" the smile she once wore faded into a frown. Audrey felt sad that her director doesn't even remember her.
"The ac-"

"Hey Dalia!" The director just passed Audrey and hugged the previously mentioned.
"Morning Bradley" Dalia squeezed the man back tightly.
"You're looking as beautiful as ever. I want to know your secret" Bradley nudged Dalia who only giggled before leaning into his chest and smelling his very faint cologne. Audrey only watched with green eyes at the interaction between the friends. She wants to be complimented by the man too and hugged and all that sappy nonsense couples do. She narrowed her eyes at Dalia before leaving the two.

Audrey laid awake next to her friend at night before she took Dalia's phone and copying Bradley's number to her phone. She'll just have to get closer to him. Audrey can't stand the fact that Dalia has the attention from Bradley who was her director. Surely Bradley doesn't like Dalia, she's too...boring? Audrey really tried to find reasons to not like Dalia and for the rest of the night - she stayed up as she thought of ways to woo her director.

She did successfully woo him  in the end but it took months to do so but what Audrey didn't know was that Dalia and Bradley had a short-term relationship that Dalia broke off. Dalia didn't want to compete with her friend over a man so she just let him go even though Bradley was helping her get over Richard who just so happened to start dating her older step sister just a week after their break up.


A little backstory cause why not. How do you feel about Audrey right now?
Stay tuned...☕

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