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It was a bright and sunny day and Dalia was up early, too early for her liking. The hall was basking with life as everyone ran around to put on the finishing touches for the wedding of Mistress Greystone and Young Master Milton. Jennifer was in her dressing room, freaking out because her make up artists hadn't showed up yet and the wedding was three hours away, it'll start at 12:00pm. Dalia was sleeping on the bed, passing time. After Dalia had seen her dress, she wasn't satisfied. It was a blue silk dress, those ones that look like a nightdress which is not her taste at all but she has to wear it, the bride chose it.

"Dalia wake up!" The said person jolted out of her nap. With sleepy eyes she looked at Jennifer who was close to crying. "You were a model so you should know a thing or two about make up, please do my hair and make up. The stylist cancelled on me" Jennifer was actually being nice. Dalia sighed before telling her to go and wash her face to remove the tears that had managed to fall, she cried easily.

After Jennifer left, Dalia took a seam ripper and went to the bride's wedding dress. She contemplated on ripping the dress but then thought, it's sort of like Jennifer is taking her place so she didn't ruin the dress, she couldn't. A wedding is as very special day for every bride and besides, the bride had already suffered a huge embarrassment when she pissed herself in front of many people.

"I'm back" Jennifer announced with a clean face before she sat down. Dalia began working on the bride's face, applying all sorts of products on her face because that's what Jennifer wanted, to be caked in make up. After helping her get dressed and do her hair, Dalia got ready and she absolutely hated the dress!!

Watching Jennifer walking down the isle with a huge smile on her face and Richard waiting for her on the alter with an equally big smile really struck a nerve. They looked so happy almost as if they were faking it. Dalia was standing behind Jennifer as all the formalities were said, vows and rings were exchanged and then sealed with a kiss. Dalia was bitter but still clapped nonetheless. There goes her first love whom she never got to say goodbye properly to. We smile even if we're crying.

"Dalia, your sister was so beautiful. Did you see how good she and Richard look together" Audrey was more hyper than usual that day and Dalia didn't really know if Audrey was saying that to her to spite her or she meant it.
"Yeah...they really look good together" Dalia didn't even force a smile, seeing the newly wed couple greeting the guests being all sunshine and happiness makes her wonder if Richard wasn't a mama's boy then wouldn't that be them.

"It should've been me" Dalia found herself saying. Audrey looked at her in disbelief before scoffing out a laugh.
"Don't be jealous, Richard left you and now he is happy with your sister" Audrey poked her friend's chest. Dalia glared at her.
"It should've been me, after all we both know that if not for his parents, we'd still be together happily" Dalia had a point, she was spilling the truth but it didn't really sit well with Audrey that she had those thoughts.
"Don't be a homewrecker" that was an indirect insult, Dalia just huffed and left Audrey alone, she needs a drink.

Twelve glasses of champagne and two kisses with different guys later, Dalia stumbled her way to the stage. It was that time of the event when people give out speeches and Dalia was told to go first. She grabbed the mic and looked at each and every person in the face before her eyes landed on Jennifer and a smile broke out of her flushed face.

"Well, this is quite an honour to go first but what the hell, I was the maid of honour anyway. So uhm...this is hard but Jennifer is a really really wonderful person. Ever since my father married her mother she's been nothing but a pain in the ass and I grew to despise her because she takes away everyone in my life including her darling husband whom she stole from me, that's right guys...Richard Milton was my boyfriend first but Jennifer is a greedy attention seeker so she stole him from me along with all my childhood friends even my father's love. I hate her and her mother and oh speaking of Sophie, she's a devil I tell you. Sophie is so evil! Can you believe she liked to get me in trouble with my father and that's why I actually moved away from home but that's not the point. All I'm saying is Jennifer is really an amazingly sweet person. Treat her well Richard because that should've been me. I'm jealous I know but you guys would be too...it should've been m-" Dalia was tugged off the stage by an angry Heath. People were whispering and silently laughing at the drunk speech that was just given.

"What are you doing Dalia!" Heath yelled at Dalia who blinked twice before giggling.
"I'm spilling the truth dad, Jennifer stole everything from me" Dalia calmly said, her eyes droopy.
"You're tainting her reputation! And ruining mine as well" Heath wanted to lock up the drunk woman until further notice but she's an adult now.
"Your reputation? I'm sorry hehe...I didn't really think about that. Sorry dad" sarcasm was very clear in the way Dalia spoke.

"Why can't you be like your sister! You always ruin things for this family. You are thorn in the flesh!" That hurt Dalia but she didn't want to drop her attitude.
"She's trying darling~ as you can see for yourself but she can never be Jennifer. Our youngest daughter is just a lost cause" Sophie leaned onto Heath's chest, feigning concern over the little squabble the two were having.
"Look at what you've done Dalia, your mother is now unhappy on a day she's supposed to be happy today because her oldest child got married. You are a nuisance"

"If I'm a nuisance then what are you Heath? That woman is not my mother, my mother is the woman you cheated on with this imbecile and then later divorced. You have no shame! Sophie was my mother's friend but out of all people, her? She isn't even that beautiful"
"Dalia!" Time stilled for a second as Heath's hand connected with Dalia's cheek. He was shocked himself because he never laid his hand on his daughter's like that. He was just too angry and the whole hall gasped.
"Ouch...that hurt..." Dalia was really at loss for words and she didn't register when arms wrapped around her, she wasn't crying. She was just shocked.

"Dalia, why did you provoke your dad" Audrey whispered, brushing the bruised cheek.
"I didn't do anything, I just gave a speech" Dalia defended herself, Audrey clicking her tongue at the excuse.
"See what he's done and Jennifer is crying because of you, I told you to not say nonsense up on stage"
"Audrey are you my best friend or Jennifer's?" Dalia suddenly asked, taking her friend by surprise.
"You are my friend but right now I need to comfort Jennifer" Audrey pat Dalia's shoulder awkwardly. She hated when she was put in such a corner.

Dalia stood there, sobering up as she watched her friend go to her crying step sister. "Fake friend! You're just like them!" Dalia yelled at Audrey but the music was turned back on so no one really heard her.

With a cloud hovering above her head, Dalia left the wedding feeling unhappy. On her way out she met up with Bradley who was silently drinking in a corner. They stood side by side soaking in the failure of a day. Let's just say Bradley spent the whole event alone watching Audrey talking to everyone out there but him and Bradley wouldn't have come but Audrey invited him as her plus one.
"Wanna leave?" Dalia asked Bradley who instead held her hand as they walked out. Driving together was quite awkward, tension hung in the air as the two reminisced their almost kisses and their flirting. Dalia tapped Bradley's thigh and signalled him to stop the car.

"You know what, I want to kiss you because I'm sad" Dalia said looking directly at Bradley's eyes.
"I want to kiss you too because I'm bitter over Audrey for ignoring me"
"Should we..?" Dalia was quite doubtful but heck! She's had an affair with a married man before but that's a story for another time.
"We should...just this once"
"Just this once..."

Sorry not sorry. Now I've gotten over and done with with the wedding, it's about to go down. Stay tuned, don't hate me...☕

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