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"Go for seconds in what?" Dalia tensed at the sudden question. She thought Audrey had left her room, thank goodness she didn't mention anyone's name.
"Nothing Audrey, don't worry about it" Dalia slowly walked out her bedroom to the general bathroom. Audrey frowned, going towards the living room before sitting down across Bradley.

"You've been distant lately" Bradley looked at Audrey before looking back at his laptop, most likely editing a script or something.
"I have, haven't I?"
"Bradley, I am sorry" Audrey apologized.
"It's okay. I told you to stop apologizing already" Bradley said, not looking away from the screen.
"It's not okay, you've been ignoring me and only talking to me when I've asked you something. Please stop being angry, it's been such a long time. I miss you" Audrey whispered the last part, feeling pathetic.
"Uh huh...come here" Bradley opened his arms and Audrey slowly but surely sank into her boyfriend's arms. No words were exchanged between the two as they basked in the warmth they both missed so much.

Dalia looked at the couple as she passed by the living room. She smiled a bit, happy they've patched things up but that doesn't mean she won't try to get Bradley to herself once again even if it's just one more night. It's not like she liked him, no, she's just sexually attracted to him.

Dalia bored-ly stared at the ceiling fan as it spun around. The wall clock was ticking and the t.v. was playing a random TV show. She was alone in the house, the couple away to work. She has been thinking about doing something productive like finding a job or a hobby but she really has no passion for anything and nothing really peaks her interest at the moment. She just sits and waits for either Bradley or Audrey to be back. She really tried once to find something to do but she doesn't see herself tidying up the dirty house or reading a book even travelling is a no because she's lazy. She also gained weight since she eats and sleeps all day but it's more like a healthy gain since when she was a model, she was put on diet and even did that thing of dipping cotton wool in lemon juice for a month so that she may be ready for a bikini photo shoot.

Dalia groaned, throwing a pillow on the tv just as the door opened and a tired Bradley came in. He huffed and threw himself on the couch.
"Long day?" Dalia asked the obvious.
"Too long for my liking. I sometimes hate my job" Bradley looked at Dalia with a certain glint in his eyes.
"I can help you relieve your stress if you want" Dalia bit her lower lip, looking at the male with a sultry gaze.
"Not here, somewhere else. We don't want Audrey finding out do we" after saying those words, Bradley offered his hand to Dalia who took it. The two left the house, not forgetting to lock it.
"You should quickly go home after we're done, I'll come back later" Dalia said, teasing Bradley as he was driving. The man simply smirked before the two booked a room in a nearby motel.


Audrey was surprised to come back to a silent house. Usually, Dalia would be sleeping on the couch. She swears that girl doesn't know what to do with her life. She sleeps all day but then again she doesn't blame Dalia because she didn't have this much freedom while growing up. Audrey knows Dalia was young when she became a model so she's most probably making up for lost time. Audrey noted how there were empty bags of chips on the table and internally cringed. Dalia usually cleans up after herself so maybe something urgent came up for her to leave things like this. Audrey tidied up the living room and retired to her room, wondering when will Bradley come back so that they may talk. Just because they made up, it doesn't mean all is well.


"I'm leaving" Bradley announced, standing up to get dressed.
"As you should, you don't want to pacify an angry Audrey when you just started talking again" there was a hint of mockery in the way Dalia spoke.
"Hehe...very funny Dalia, I can't believe you still have the voice to throw around sarcastic comments when I made you choke not too long ago" Dalia couldn't but blush out of embarrassment.
"You didn't need to bring that up and I didn't choke, I just made it like that to give you a sense of pride otherwise if you were a couple of inches bigger then I'd choke" Dalia rolled around the messy sheets trying to get comfortable.
"At least I know how to work my hips"
"You do Bradley now go back, I'm sure Audrey is waiting" Dalia yawned, feeling tired and sleepy. "I'll be back maybe around midnight or tomorrow at dawn"

Bradley was quite amused, he finished getting dressed and went home to Audrey who was waiting for him with a gentle smile, initiating a conversation about their relationship and how to better it.

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