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Richard simply looked at Jennifer who was sprawled out on the floor, sighing before kneeling down next to her. He now had to pretend to be interested in her well-being.

"Jennifer dear, are you okay? Jennifer talk to me!?" He pretended to be hysteric, not so gently shaking her. Jennifer's vision was blurry, she was quite shocked and her response wasn't a good one really. She was dazed and confused. Dalia was forced to fan her as Richard tried to make her drink water. It was quite messy, the board members were whispering but what really annoyed Dalia the most is that Jennifer had to do this when something about her was announced! She undoubtedly hates her older step sister now, her and her mother.

After that little mishap, the meeting was adjourned, Jennifer had to stay behind to talk to Heath about something unimportant that I won't mention. Anyway, Dalia had to chase a lift and to her luck, she got it. The person inside had waited for her. She didn't expect to see Richard there, alone. They were trapped alone in that lift. They had to ride all the way down to the ground floor, together.

"Fancy seeing you here" Richard broke the heavy silence that was lingering around.
"Hmm, yeah" Dalia simply mumbled, Richard feeling a bit discouraged to try and talk to her.
"So...how have you been? It's been quite a while since we last talked~" Richard trailed off, feeling quite awkward.
"I've been quite good actually, never been better" Dalia glared at the door, not wanting to be here. That familiar constricting feeling was back.
"Really or you're just lying to cover your feelings. I know you Dalia, we have history remember"
"What does that have to do with this conversation. You made your decision not caring about me. You always had to be a mama's boy and now you suddenly want to ask how I am? We're in-laws so stay in your lane" Dalia gritted her teeth in anger, looking at the man who actually made her to close up her heart.
"I didn't have a choice. I loved you and you know that. I wanted to be with you for a really long time but you know stuff happens, you should know that we are just here to carry out our parents' wishes. I am sorry though, I should've told you, talked to then we would've reached an agreement but I acted stupidly just because I wanted to impress my parents" Richard was really sorry, he never got the chance to apologize properly and guilt was something he carried deep within him everyday for 1442 days. He always regretted it but he knew he couldn't change it.
"You broke things off with me just because Jennifer is older than me? You actually thought that she'd be the heiress?" Dalia asked, a lump on her throat.
"My parents made me do it, I always loved you and still I cannot seem to look at Jennifer that way. Dalia, it wasn't me really" Dalia scoffed, shaking her head not really believing what her ears were hearing.

"Your parents? Richard you were and are still an adult and yet you still abide by their rules. You're three years older than me and yet you won't see me sucking up to my father. I hear everyone calling me immature but the epitome of immaturity is you. Grow up!" The lift finally reached the ground floor and Dalia stomped out, she felt like screaming. She was so angry, hurt and just plain tired.

The woman took deep and shaky breaths as she sat in her car. The image of Audrey and Bradley being all lovey dovey popped in her head, making her feel alone. Dalia drove out of the parking lot, if she could, she'd would be resting her eyes but she can't - she's driving.

It was one of those days, days when she feels like she doesn't belong. Somehow, the pain always gets worse. Her phone rang while she was in deep thought, jerking her out of her little trance in time to hit the brakes and avoid a what would've been a fatal accident. She was quite shocked for a few seconds before recalling her ringing phone. Dalia accepted the call, actually thankful that her phone was connected to the car via Bluetooth so she could talk while driving.

📲Dalia! How are you?

📱I'm fine. What about you?

📲I'm well, what are you doing. I got out of work early and I thought we should meet up.

📱that would be lovely, where?

📲where we went out for coffee last week

📱be there

The phone was dropped, Dalia turning her car to the right, feeling a little bit better.

Matthew patiently waited for Dalia to arrive, he thought she wouldn't agree to meet him but then again he also knows the girl doesn't really do anything during the day. Seeing her walking in and quickly spotting him, he smiled lightly before standing up and greeting Dalia with a small, friendly hug.

Matthew had immediately noticed something wrong with Dalia. Her usual smile was sort of forced and that little bright glint in her brown eyes was dim. After ordering their tea treats and their desired beverages, they slowly ate, Dalia seeming to frown more as time went by and slowly becoming quieter.

"How was your day, Dalia?" Matthew asked, wanting to be direct but he knew he'd have to be delicate. Dalia was quite sensitive but put up a façade.
"Good, I'm actually going to be the new president of my father's company. It sucks that I have to inherit it but it's whatever" Dalia said in a rather passive voice.
"I hear you, anything more interesting that happened?"
"Other than the fact that he confronted me, made garbage excuses and actually rubbed it in my face that he's not there with me anymore, nothing really. My day is just like always, boring" Dalia hadn't noticed it but she was gripping her cup too tightly. Her face was red with anger, her eyes having a faraway look.

Matthew gently opened Dalia's fingers, detaching them from her little cup. He kissed the back her hand before holding it in a reassuring way. Dalia's heart was beating at an abnormally fast rate, that feeling she always had around Matthew was back again.
"You always forget that you are not alone. I'm here, you can talk to me you know. I won't judge or laugh at you" Matthew said gently, Dalia had episodes like this - her having this anger or sometimes a deep hatred for whoever ruined her day.

"Jennifer took all the attention at today's meeting. After I was announced to be the next president, she fainted and everyone shifted their attention to her then that man dared to say it was his parents. Our break up was quite sour because he broke up with me on a Ferris Wheel, the same one he had asked me to be his girlfriend. I hated seeing him make himself the victim, blaming it on his parents. I hate that he actually had an impact on me, it did hurt me when he made excuses which are now irrelevant because I've moved on. I just don't know, I feel lost and alone" Matthew had expected for Dalia to be crying now but she wasn't, she was instead playing with Matthew's larger fingers.

"You're special. You're precious. I'm here dear, you are not alone okay? Never feel alone. Just call me whenever you want, I'll come running to you, okay?"
"I hear you, thank you"
"Welcome" Matthew smiled warmly at Dalia who blushed.
"Do you like me?" Dalia asked, her eyes downcast, heartbeat resonating in her ears.
"I like you very much" Dalia smiled, her love interest likes her!


Well, that's that. What do you think about Richard and Dalia's scene?
Stay tuned...☕

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