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"Bye!" Audrey left for a shoot for the final scenes of her drama. Dalia sighed, thinking back to when she was in front of the camera. It was the next day and Bradley was staying behind, the two women had planned to go shopping for Jennifer's party in the afternoon. Dalia threw herself on the couch after turning on the TV and gathering some snacks. She was planning to have a lazy day by herself but her housemate had other plans.

Bradley shuffled into the living room before sitting on the remaining space that wasn't taken by Dalia at the end of the couch.
"What are we watching" Bradley asked as he rudely stuck his hand inside Dalia's bowl of cheese puffs.
"It's not we, it's me, I am watching a drama" Dalia replied, pulling the bowl towards herself.
"Oh...okay" and then there was silence and at that time  Dalia felt quite happy that the rude but handsome housemate decided to shut up.

After about ten minutes, Bradley tickled Dalia's feet who squirmed and due to shock at the unexpected action, she accidentally fell off the couch with a loud thud.
"Ouch, Bradley!" Dalia whined, rubbing her head.
"I'm sorry! Here let me help you up" Bradley offered, quite panicked. He helped Dalia stand up before lightly brushing her sweater as a way to show he is sorry. Dalia angrily pushed Bradley who fell back on the couch, pulling her along in a quite compromising position, if someone were to enter the house - That person would think of the worst scenarios.

"Don't move!" Bradley warned when Dalia began squirming around to try and get up, she was trying hard to not blush out of embarrassment. It really was embarrassing to just fall on someone's lap like you're straddling them.
"Help me get up from your lap then" the woman said, after feeling something poking her. Dalia really tried to not laugh nor show any surprise on her face. It was quite laughable at how easy Bradley had it up but then again, Dalia did brush it with quite a force when she fell and when she moved on top of him.

Very slowly, Bradley helped Dalia to stand up before he excused himself, having had enough of the awkward moment between them. Dalia was very thankful for that, she cannot face him for now. The events that just happened are still fresh on her mind. 

For the rest of the few hours they had the house to themselves, Bradley didn't leave his room. Well, how can he when he was close to breaking down after helping himself while fantasizing about her girlfriend's friend's small hands. Bradley wasn't really surprised by his behaviour since he has quite the wandering eye but the girl downstairs is a no, not that she's not beautiful but he doesn't want to break his relationship and a good and strong friendship. With that in mind, he had decided to try to stay away from Dalia, he knows that that woman is not so kind as she looks, he thinks.


Audrey and Dalia were sitting in a café after they got their outfits for tomorrow's party. Dalia used the money her father always thoughtfully sends every month since he says that her modelling job doesn't pay enough to maintain her. Dalia never returned the money, she sometimes uses it to buy ridiculously expensive things that she doesn't need but  still buys them for the sake of impressing her father, she wishes that Heath would just praise her even for the smallest of things.

"Did you meet Bradley already?" Audrey suddenly asked, making Dalia slightly choke on her caramel machiato.
"Yes, I met him yesterday and he is quite talkative plus we spent the morning together" Dalia informed, lips twitching in slight anger as she thought back to when she fell of the couch.
"Oh good, I had really forgotten to mention the fact that you live with us now" Audrey awkwardly giggled, playing with her hair.
"It's cool, he was okay with it" he never mentioned it but Dalia didn't want to stress Audrey and with that decided in her mind, the conversations continued smoothly.


Adorning herself with expensive jewellery that she especially bought for the occasion, Dalia silently admired herself in one of the many mirrors in front of her. The vanity in her room was thankfully of a decent size so she could fit a couple mirrors and a makeup box and her perfumes and other things. She was pleased with what she chose and was especially happy that it was more beautiful than Jennifer's, she wants the attention her sister will get to herself. It's really common for her to always try to steal the attention from her sister as she had never really got it ever since they were young. It was always about Jennifer and Dalia was an after-thought even though she was the biological daughter.

Her extended family never really cared about Dalia same goes with her mother's new family, she was just the other daughter of Heath Greystone. Walking with great poise, she oozed rich brat in the way her face was concocted into a cold expression but she smiled when she saw Audrey all dolled up with her boyfriend next to her.

"You're so beautiful!" Dalia gushed as Audrey smiled awkwardly, not really used to Dalia complementing her so enthusiastically.
"Have you seen yourself? You look like a super...super star? I mean you look like you'll walk the red carpet!"
"I've walked on a red carpet before"
"Me too"
"Me too...too" Bradley inserted himself, breaking the friendly banter that was about to take place.
"Let's go, a driver is waiting for us"

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