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Dalia was practically dancing when she walked into the house later that day. She was on cloud nine, smiling at nothing in particular. She was just so happy and she wasn't going to let anyone ruin her mood. Not her best friend, her family or even the fact that her biological mother was standing in the living room of Bradley and Audrey's house! What was that woman doing there? Question were lingering in her head as she looked at her mother. She was perplexed to say the least and not quite excited to see her. Gladys Jameson was a woman who was quite hard to please just like her ex husband Heath Greystone. The two always had high expectations for their daughter who just had everything today and then nothing the next day. She offered a small smile at the woman who was writhing her nose in disgust as she saw her daughter's outfit.

"Dalia, you live in a quite interesting place" Gladys commented, the house was nice but not up to her standard. The woman was once married to a millionaire so you can't really blame her.
"Of course, what are you doing here?" Dalia went straight to the point, her relationship with her mother wasn't the best, kind of like with her father. Her parents just always find a fault in her so she stopped trying to be close to them or trying to please them a long time ago.
"Your step father wants to see you" Dalia suspected that it had to do with the man she married, her mother doesn't really approach her unless her husband wants something from Dalia.
"I'm not going to see him, you know I want nothing to do with your new family right?" Dalia was bitter actually, her  mother devoted a lot of time on her step siblings that she became an after-thought.
"But he wants to see you and I cannot say no to that. I raised his children and we even had one together so won't you grant your mother this one favour, just see him even if it's for a few hours"
"I don't like your house, I don't like your family and I especially don't like you so stop pestering because I'm not going" Dalia deadpaned, ready to throw hands.
"I never told your father to sleep with my friend and divorce me so you owe me this much" Gladys was blackmailing her daughter and Dalia knew that. With a really heavy heart she nodded. "Good, be there at ten in the morning tomorrow" Gladys ordered before she left the house. Dalia was flaring her nose in anger, she didn't want to go but then she didn't have a choice now. Her phone dinged with a message which annoyed her but once she saw the contact, a smile graced her beautiful face


Dalia practically dragged her feet to the already opened front door, waiting for her. Clearly Gladys went out of her way to welcome her because the much older woman was waiting for her daughter. Dalia greeted in a monotonous voice as she was led inside the very big and lavish house like the other ones in the estate. Dalia saw the man she didn't want anything to do with.

Kennedy Jameson, Dalia's step father was quite a slim and also quite a short man with a pointed nose and high cheek bones, a balding head and Dalia found herself wondering what her mother was thinking when she married and even had a child with such an...ugly person. Looks do matter, that's okay too.

"Ah...thank you for coming my daughter, you've made me really happy" Kennedy was really elated when he had seen his step daughter walking through the doorway looking as beautiful as ever. He loved the very young woman like his own daughter but she never allowed him to treat her like one, Dalia didn't like him at all.
"Don't get used to it, it's just for a few hours. I'm not sleeping over and nor will I visit again any time soon" Dalia said sharply. Kennedy wasn't surprised but was still dissapointed because he had hopes that Dalia would come around and change but she didn't, it's still the same cold treatment.
"Don't be harsh Dalia, you will visit" Gladys declared, giving a death glare to her daughter who glared at her back.
"Oh~ kay anyway, let's catch up. You've last visited me almost a year ago" Kennedy walked ahead towards the backdoor, wanting to sit under the canopy in the backyard.

Dalia was really jealous. Watching her own mother smothering her step siblings with so much attention was making her angry. They had unfortunately came back and it was driving Dalia crazy. Her half brother was at least going to be at school for another hour or so. Dalia doesn't like her brother, he is quite a brat and is downright disrespectful. Kennedy was staring at his step daughter intently before he gently touched her shoulder.

"Your mother is quite a good human" Kennedy said, breaking the lingering silence between them.
"Ha, yeah. She's a really good human" sarcasm and bitterness were all prominent in her tone. Kennedy smiled, thinking his step child means it.

All was well as Kennedy tried to bond with Dalia and the young woman let him for a while but that was until her half brother returned. Everything turned sour especially when the high schooler, Daniel finally acknowledged her presence.

Dalia often wonders why her mother named him like that, why his name is almost like hers. Dalia doesn't acknowledge their blood relation, in her mind - she's just an only child. No Jennifer, no Daniel, just her only.

"Look Daniel, your sister has visited" Kennedy informed his son who only looked at his father then to the half sister before scoffing.
"Mom! What is she doing Here? You know I don't like her presence near me, she's disgusting!" With a cracking voice, the adolescent child complained. Dalia only rolled her eyes at him.
"The feeling is mutual Daniel and as much as I am disgusting, I am not some teenager who is still trying to find themselves in the world. I know myself while you're still struggling with tenth grade mathematics. I'm not stupid, at least I never repeated a grade let alone thrice" Dalia retorted. It was childish of her but brats need to be put in their places.
"At least my mother never left me" that hit hard, Dalia glared at her younger brother, nose flaring in anger.
"Oh, we're bringing parents in now? You think just because your mother is still here you're much more superior than me. At least I know who my parents are, your mother doesn't even know your father!" Dalia knew she started a discord in the family. She knew she wasn't supposed to say what she said but it's not her fault that her mother is loose, much like her but the difference is that Dalia is not married and has no children.

In the end, Dalia was kicked out but she wasn't sad or anything, she was relieved on the contrary. She's partially kicked out of her mother's new family.

I love drama though, Dalia isn't a bad person guys. She's a good person it's just circumstances. Anyway stay tuned...☕

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