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On a particularly cold evening, Dalia was helping her friend get ready. Dalia always liked preparing people, be it for a casual day or a fancy evening party. She liked clothes and make-up but she never took that seriously to actually make money out of it. Besides, she won't have time for such since she'll inherit the company pretty soon. She does not regret studying business management in university now and she's looking to do an honor's  degree soon.

"What do you think will happen tonight!" Audrey was really trying to guess, it was quite weird for Bradley to suddenly tell her to get ready because he made a reservation. Dalia knew but she wouldn't spill the beans. The younger woman simply smiled, lightly brushing Audrey's hair.
"I don't know, maybe it's just a spontaneous decision. Maybe he misses you or something"
"But we sleep next to each other every night" Dalia shrugged her shoulders. She doesn't really know what her agemates do in relationships.
"I don't know then, I'm done by the way" Dalia informed, Audrey squealing and hugging her.

"Thank you!"
"Welcome, now go and enjoy yourself" Dalia led Audrey out of her bedroom, quickly seeing Bradley waiting in the living room.
"Women take too long to get ready" Bradley grumbled, eyeing his girlfriend secretly. He was so in love but just not in love enough to be loyal.
"Well, I was getting dolled up for you" Audrey said with a soft smile.
"Only for me right"
"Yes darling, only you" the two shared a brief kiss, forgetting about the third party in the room. Dalia made gagging sounds, causing all of them to laugh. Dalia bade the couple goodbye as they left the house.

Yes, she was smiling in front of them but now that she's alone, that constricting feeling in her heart returned full force, the lump on her throat growing in size.
"Fuck! Why am I always second choice!" She cursed, tightly grabbing the hooded jacket she wore. She might seem fine but her shenanigans with Bradley aren't doing her any good. She feels quite unwanted. Dalia breathed in and out a bit, smiling at nothing in particular. She was quite used to being that side chick now, that person who's chosen last. Last option if I may add.
"It hurts~" she whispered, her face blank. Dalia hated the fact that everyone around her was happily in love or just happy in general. She didn't have anything good this year, yes she met Matthew but it was quite late. At least he's there just not the way Dalia wants. She likes him, probably loves even. Dalia falls easily, a couple of sweet words and you have her but it never worked for everyone.


Audrey stared at the stone on her ring finger, silent tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. She hadn't expected Bradley to propose that too in her favourite restaurant. Whatever doubts she had were all washed away. She was beyond euphoric, her hands were still shaking in disbelief as the applause around them slowly died down. He proposed, Bradley proposed. It still sounded unreal, she always thought she'd have to do it herself which she was planning to do next month.

"Do you like it?" Bradley asked, referring to the ring.
"I love it, it's so unique. I love you Bradley, forever and always" Audrey was really emotional, she found it hard to express herself in that moment.
"I love you too, to the moon and back" Bradley was doubting his words when a certain ravenette appeared in his mind. Does he love her sincerely or it's just what he believes now? Either way now, there's no turning back. They are engaged unless something or rather someone gets between them.


Dalia wore formal clothes the next morning, having to attend a meeting with his father. She wasn't quite foreign to her family business but at the same time she wasn't used to how it worked. On her way out, she saw Bradley and Audrey snogging on the kitchen counter. She really wonders what else they've done there but she doesn't let her thoughts wander too much. Concentrating on them is making her sink under mounds of jealousy. They are happy together and she's the third person who'll most likely mess up their relationship is she continues her little affair with Bradley.

Dalia slowly trudged through the company doors, she didn't expect to meet her step sister and husband there, speaking to her father. Dalia's frown that she was carrying since she woke up that day deepened. The universe just wanted to rub it in her face that she is single as hell.

"Good morning" Dalia greeted with a clear voice.
"Aha! We've been waiting for you dear, come along now, the meeting will begin in a little while" Dalia was puzzled at her father's enthusiasm. He even hung his arm over her shoulder like how he used to do when she was way young, 5 years old to be exact. He'd often kneel down next to her as they played together. It was fun then, when they used to be a happy family.

"Father, you never told me why Dalia needs to attend the meeting, I thought she has no high position in the company" Jennifer voiced out, her hand held by Richard who was silently admiring Dalia from a distance just like how he always did for years after they broke up or rather when he broke up with her.
"You'll find out in the meeting Jennifer! You always want to be a brat about everything." Heath scolded, fed up with the attitude. Dalia felt on top of the world. Heath Greystone? Being on her side? What a first, it's quite laughable how he never found fault in his step daughter but always found anything and everything about Dalia wrong.
"I'm sorry father" Jennifer humbly apologized but Dalia knew she was fuming at the moment.

The meeting was quite interesting to Dalia. It was something new, she never fancied being in an office for hours but she thinks she wouldn't mind attending a meeting. The decisions will all be approved by her in the end. She likes the idea of having so much power.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make about who will take over once I retire" mumbles spread across the room but as the civilised adults the people inside were, they quickly shut up knowing they're disturbing their President.
"As I was saying, the person who'll take over after me will be Miss Dalia Greystone" people clapped but a single shriek stood out among the applause and a loud thud had reverberated throughout the room. Jennifer Milton had fainted.


Oh...this chapter is sort of rushed. Sorry. I'll do better in the next one. How do you like Dalia's inner turmoil? Stay tuned...☕

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