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Waking up, Dalia scrunched her nose in disgust as she looked at the snoring man next to her. She quickly left the bed and went to her own personal room. She knows that Mr Wells will leave whenever he wakes up which is hopefully soon because Dalia has some plans for the day.

"What to wear...." Dalia whispered to herself as she went through her many many clothes for something that is 'worthy' to be seen by those snobbish rich people that call themselves Dalia's family. She wasn't looking forward to see them but there was an announcement that was going to be made and her father specifically told her to be there or else...Which she doesn't know what the or else has since the last time she disobeyed, her father had told her sponsor to not get her a gig for a while and it wasn't fun sitting around and doing nothing for almost a month.

After she dressed like a rich brat that she isn't, she locked her apartment knowing very well that the old man in her guestroom has his own keys and would never stay till noon. Her car was quite fancy and she always felt proud to drive it since she had bought it with her own money, not her father's or that disgusting man in her house. It was smooth on the road and the it growled lowly, a perfect coach for an imperfectly perfect  lady.

Upon arriving at her father's manor, Dalia alit her car and strode inside the unnecessarily huge house as her footsteps echoed on the silent house.

"Good morning, Young Mistress" a house help greeted Dalia with a bow who shot her a look of disapproval.
"Please don't bow, I'm not some princess. I'm just me! Same old Dalia" the woman smiled as the helper rolled her eyes and gestured the younger to follow her. The two women were quite close, having been a couple of years apart, they sort of grew up together.

"Master Greystone, Madam Greystone and Young Mistress Greystone, Youngest Mistress has arrived" the helper informed with a bow before leaving. Dalia looked at her family before she sat down in front of the feast in front of her. She didn't eat at her house because she knew it would still be breakfast time when she arrived at her home.

"You look healthy" Sophie Greystone, her step mother commented and in return, Dalia smiled.
"Of course I am, I take good care of myself step mother" the words were spilled with venom as Dalia smirked after seeing the fake smile instantly get wiped off Sophie's face.
"Dalia!" Her father warningly glared at his daughter. Dalia glared at her father back before scoffing and quietly eating, hoping that the announcement would be made soon so that she may leave.

After everyone had finished their breakfast and the maids cleared the table. A silence fell upon the family of four until Jennifer cleared her throat.

"So I wanted to share this news with all of you and I especially wanted each and every one of you to know it that's why I requested you Dalia to be called" Jennifer explained with a sickeningly sweet smile as she looked at her younger step sister.

"Good to know I'm a VIP" Dalia smiled at her sister.

"Haha...yeah~ anyway I... I'm getting married!" Time seemed to stop after the abruptly announced as the elders glanced at each other.
"Is it that boy from the Milton family?" Heath Greystone, the head of the family asked, eyes cold as his step daughter nodded shyly.
"Yes father, i-it's him" Jennifer stuttered as she blushed meanwhile Dalia made gagging sounds on the side.

"Wow...just when I thought the daughter was content with the money her mother has by marrying my father, she goes ahead and marries into a rich family, such a gold digger" Dalia clapped her hands with a wide sarcastic grin.
"Dalia!!" She looked at her father with wide eyes while trying to swallow down a laugh. Dalia stood up and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry but I have to cut this short, I have a shoot in thirty minutes but I do wish you well in your little affair" Dalia smiled politely before taking long strides out of her family's house and away from those people.

Heath looked at where his daughter stood a few minutes ago as she remembered her so called shoot, it's always about that and not about family but that'll change, soon.

"Terminate Dalia Geystone's contract" an order from a high power which was going to be done whether the holders of the contract liked it or not. No one wanted to have powerful enemies anyway

I feel like this is slow but everything will begin next chapter, there's a looooooot that'll happen here...☕

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