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Dalia was flustered the whole way home as she rushed to get back before they locked the door. She had forgotten her key and it was quite late. When she opened the door, she didn't expect a cake with a single candle and an apologetic looking Audrey waiting for her. Dalia was touched as she slowly made her way towards the couches and sat down across Audrey.

"I'm sorry, it's a little over 12:00am now but happy birthday" Dalia hated when people wished her after her day has passed, it's quite insignificant to her but better late than never right?
"It's okay, I never expected you to remember every year. It's actually the first time you remembered" Dalia rolled her eyes out of annoyance.
"I'm sorry about that too" Audrey apologized, she felt remorseful but the way Dalia was looking at her told her she wasn't forgiven...yet?
"Okay, thanks anyway. It's whatever" Dalia stood up, irritated that her dear friend interrupted her time with Matthew for something nonsensical. Why would she remember now? She already had a small party with Matthew and even got a kiss!

Now that she remembers, she blushed all over again, rolling on her bed as she squealed into her pillow. Her crush has kissed her, Matthew kissed her. That's probably the best birthday present ever, not counting the time when his first love took her to a lodge in the mountains. The mountains were quite far from where she lived and it snowed there only because it's cold otherwise it never snowed in the city she lives in.

After freaking out for a few more minutes, Dalia looked at her ceiling with a smile on her face. "He said he likes me very much and now he kissed me...what if I have a chance with him?" Dalia was hopeful really. Hope never killed any one but it led to disappointments.


"Stay safe, yeah?"
"I will Bradley, don't worry" Audrey pecked Bradley's lips before slipping out of his grip. She was leaving for the gala that day and Bradley offered to drop her off at her friend's place and from there, they'll travel together. Bradley watched his fiancee walking away with a sway of her hips. She trusts Audrey to not get into any funny business in her trip away but he didn't trust himself, he had a whole two days with no girlfriend and an empty house. He couldn't pass up such an opportunity.

Bradley slowly drove into the garage as he thought of things he might do with his lover. As he ascended the small stairs to the inside of the house, he caught sight of the woman who he always thought about even when he was with Audrey. Bradley touched Dalia's shoulder before turning her around and kissing her. Dalia resisted and he of course, let go.

"What's wrong? The house is empty and it's just us" the man questioned, already used to Dalia just giving in easily with no resistance.
"I can't, we should stop this" Dalia said, putting distance between them.
"Why? I've been with for such a long time and now you want to stop?" Bradley wasn't mad, he was just confused.
"I'm seeing someone and I don't feel comfortable with sleeping with you while I have someone. You proposed to Audrey on my behest and I want you to focus on that" it was Dalia's wish and Bradley had no choice but to listen to her. The man pecked Dalia's lips a bit.
"I'm not going to lie and say I never enjoyed our little affair or I'm not going to miss you but I respect your decision" Dalia was happy and now there was nothing stopping her from seeing Matthew without having a lingering guilty feeling buried deep with her.


Audrey returned two days later in a weirdly bubbly mood. She was bouncing off the walls as if she ate lots of sugary treats. It was late evening and by the time she had calmed down, she cuddled next to Bradley who, for once didn't smell like woman perfume.
"My drama will be aired soon and you're coming with me to the premiere" Audrey demanded lowly, her tone playful but she was dead serious.
"Of course I'm coming, I want to see it with you" Audrey suddenly got shy, Bradley rarely attended premieres with her and now she felt on top of the world.
"Thank you, I thought you'd make an excuse to not come"
"If I don't support you, who will? We're about to start a new page in our life and I know I haven't been the best boyfriend but I'm going to change for you" Bradley meant it, no more affairs. Just him and his lady. Audrey was touched, she actually held her chest where heart is.
"That means a lot to me" Audrey knew what he was talking about, she knows all about the times he cheated on her but never mentioned it, he never has not slept at home after all and she has just normalised the fact that all her boyfriends cheat on her but she never knew why.


Jennifer was clenching her fists tightly feeling nervous. Heath had called both his daughters for an announcement. They all had supper together and now they were in the common area, the air still as it was silent. Sophie was nervous too, Heath didn't tell her anything - he just told her to round up his daughters.

"My children, I called you here from your respective houses just to tell you that I am going to retire by the end of this year" Heath dropped the bombshell like it was nothing before he held his hand up, shutting Sophie up as she was about to complain. "Dalia, I expect you to move in back by tomorrow evening. You will live with me so that way I can thoroughly show you how the business works without having to be in the office. I am going to hand it to you on the day of my retirement. I'm putting my whole trust in you" Dalia wasn't shocked with the request. Heath always wanted her to live with them and now she was caged. She didn't mind. She was actually thinking of moving out of Bradley and Audrey's house. It was getting annoying how she always walked in on their romantic moments.
"I hear you father, I'll return tomorrow evening" Dalia said softly, eyeing Jennifer who was out of it. Perhaps, she had realised that getting jealous over Dalia was pointless since she was actually the biological child of Heath Greystone and she was married to Richard Milton, her first love. She realised it was quite unfair to Dalia and with a huff, she smiled genuinely.
"Congratulations Dalia, I'm going to be working for you soon" Dalia simply brushed her off but right next to Heath, Sophie was turning green with envy...She can't be helped, sorry.


📲hello? I'm coming back. I hope you have waited for me. I still love you dearly. I cannot wait to see you, you have no idea how much I've missed you and I wish you had come with me and not let me go alone but it doesn't matter. My internship programme is done and I found a job in your city, I'll be there tomorrow


Oh ohh~ a weird phone call right at the end...who Do you think that person is coming back? Stay tuned...☕

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