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Dalia slowly entered the house, it was quiet. She hopes that the couple is asleep or something but Audrey was sitting, waiting for her in the living room wide awake. She grinned once she saw the woman and immediately skipped towards her.
"How was your date? How is my cousin?" Audrey was really hyper since she just ate a packet of sweets and downed the sugar with coffee so she won't really sleep this particular night.
"It was okay, Matthew is o-okay" Dalia stuttered, trying to hide the fact that she was blushing slightly.
"You're blushing! That was fast, I knew my cousin could make you swoon fast! He's hot!!"
"Shut up, you're being noisy" The two woman turned their heads as those words left Bradley's mouth who was standing at the bottom of the staircase. Bradley and Dalia locked eyes before the woman averted her eyes and looked at Audrey then smiling.
"Let's go to my room, I want to share the details" Dalia slyly looked at Bradley, winking before whisking away the man's girlfriend.


Bradley slowly drank a cup of tea staring into the blank blue wall in front of him. He doesn't know why the fact that Dalia had went to a date without telling him made him kind of angry and hurt at the same time. He felt kind of possessive of Dalia and now seeing as though she's seeing someone doesn't sit well with him.

What if he doesn't treat her well?
What if he isn't patient with her? 
What if...

A lot of those what ifs were swirling through his mind but he reminded himself that Dalia is just his friend and a person he's having an affair with, not his girlfriend. He really has no right to be jealous and it is a no strings attached relationship, just pure lust between the two. With that on his mind, he finished up his tea, stretched himself and continued with his evening.


"He hasn't called yet", Dalia groaned as she looked at her blank phone. She had expected that Matthew would've called her by now but it's already been two days since the date and nothing came back from him. Just as Dalia was about to take her phone, it rang and hope bloomed within her heart but it was immediately shattered as she saw it was only her step sister whom she hadn't contacted in over a month after that fateful wedding.

📲Dalia, be at my house today at 17:00

The called was rudely dropped before Dalia could even say a word. She didn't want to go but Jennifer didn't say a thing except for that. It was high noon so she has around two hours to get there but she got ready anyway since Jennifer's marital house was quite far.

Dalia didn't really expect Jennifer and Richard's house to be so simple. It was big for sure but it didn't have any grand and intricate designs that she thought they had since Jennifer loves big, bright and expensive things. She felt quite awkward when she walked in the entry hallway while looking around. She didn't want to be here but she has to admit that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and that being the house. There was noise when she reached the living room and when she appeared, all eyes turned to her. Dalia glared at everyone before she sat down next to Jennifer.

"And this is my dear sister Dalia, the one I promised to introduce you to" Jennifer gestured towards the younger female next to her who stiffly smiled.
"Afternoon" Dalia softly said, playing the shy little sister but in reality, her stare was like a dagger and Jennifer's acquaintances avoided looking at her for a long time.
"She is beautiful just like you said. Deary, what do you do?" That question seemed rude in Dalia's eyes, you can't just ask what's a person's job straight at the meeting but then again these are rich snobs so Dalia delicately smiled, sipping the tea she was served elegantly.
"I am the marketing director at my family's company" there were oohs and ahhs and Dalia proudly smirked, these people will believe everything.

"Don't lie! That position was promised to me" Jennifer was quite harsh but it didn't faze Dalia one bit.
"You got married so father gave me that position, aren't you happy for your little sister" Jennifer was fuming but nonetheless smiled.
"Kudos to you Dalia, you were always meant for that position" Dalia grinned before turning back to the rich snobs across from her but her eyesight caught Richard who was coming in and a familiar feeling of hollowness blossomed within the depths of her heart. Her first love, her once everything now belonging to her sister with a ring on his finger.

"Hello Richard" Dalia gritted with a sad smile.
"Oh hey Dalia, I didn't see you there! Why are you here?"
"I came to see my sister" Dalia's voice had a bitter undertone to it but no one picked on it expect for Richard who just nodded and sat on the empty couch. Everyone started to converse among themselves, gossiping about each and every one of the families that was present in Jennifer's wedding except for theirs. Time flew by and they had a fancy dinner before Jennifer saw her newly acquired acquaintances out. Dalia was collecting her things when her wrist was tugged harshly and she faced Jennifer who was narrowing her eyes at her.

"Dalia I saw through you, why did you have to lie and say you're the marketing director when it's actually me! My friends now see me as a dependant gold digger because of you! You always embarrass me and ruin my mood, you always do something to ruin everything! Even father knows that, why can't he just disown you already!! You're so fake!" Jennifer was breathing heavily after her outburst. Dalia didn't really know how to react, her father wants to disown her? Disown his biological daughter? Dalia chuckled a bit before she cleared her throat.
"I'm sorry that I'm such a wonderful liar, I mean...you and your mom always called me one and now that I'm a liar it bothers you? Didn't you ever stop to think who's the bad guy here? Anyway I'm not going to dwell on that but Jennifer deary between me and you, we both know who was thrown away just like that. I wasn't forced to marry someone I never loved so next time, think before saying anything. I'm the biological daughter, you were just a pawn for Heath to get richer" Dalia liked the expression Jennifer had on her face after she told her off. The younger kissed her elder sister's cheeks before seeing herself out, she doesn't feel bad - everyone lies in their society, no one is perfect.

Thoughts about Dalia and Jennifer's relationship? Who's the bad girl between them??

Stay tuned...☕

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