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Dalia briskly walked into Bradley and Audrey's house, she wasn't really looking forward to being with her father 24/7 since he had the tendency of ignoring her wholeheartedly while growing up but she hopes that maybe this little passing down of the ownership of the business will be a chance to bond with her father with no interruptions from Sophie or Jennifer. She didn't pack her suitcase, she just threw everything in without properly packing it. Dalia isn't a clean freak and neither is she dirty. Yes, her wardrobe sometimes is haphazard but she finds everything she's looking for.

After stuffing her bags, she rolled the luggage towards the door, deciding to tell her housemates about her departure in the morning or rather not tell them at all? She knows Audrey will beg her to stay a little while longer but she needs to distance herself a bit from Bradley so that any lingering feeling of lust between them dies down. She doesn't regret her times with Bradley and neither does she feel guilty about going behind her friend's back...She did technically see the man first and it's not her fault that Bradley is a gigolo. It's always the ones who allow their temptations to cloud their rational thinking.

Dalia was freaking out, Matthew had invited her to a dinner in a posh restaurant. He didn't say why but then again Dalia didn't think much about it, maybe Matthew wanted to confess his feelings for her? It's what she was hoping for and if he didn't then she will.

"Audrey I can't!" She was shaking in nervousness as she sat in her empty room, all dolled up for the night.
"You can and hey! Why is your room empty?" Dalia may have forgotten to inform the couple about her departure but that wasn't really important right now.
"I'll tell you later, what if Matthew rejects me? I cannot handle that" Audrey knew something her friend didn't know but either way, she hugged her younger friend.
"It's okay, he will never reject you. I know my cousin and he never just kisses anyone. He likes you Dalia, too much" Audrey said, running her slender fingers up and down Dalia's back.
"I'm...I'm afraid, I like no I think I love him. What if my little love is unrequited?"
"Then you try again" Audrey said in a warm voice. She knows about the trouble her friend has about opening up to other people but - as cliché as it sounds - Matthew broke down her walls with ease. Dalia doesn't just befriend - heck - even like just anyone. Matthew is special.
"He's important in my life and I don't want him there with me just as a friend or whatever we are, I want him as my boyfriend and all" Dalia breathed out, her shaking gradually decreasing as she talked with Audrey.
"Go for it! He will never say no to your cute face" Audrey pulled Dalia up from the bed before guiding her to the door, she saw her out with a big encouraging smile.


"Matthew, I love you - no that's too straightforward. Okay, I think I'll wing it. It cannot be that hard to confess to your crush who kissed you and made you question your values and taught you how to raise your head even when feeling down. It cannot be hard, he's special and he makes me feel special so yes! I'm going to do it, it's going to be breeze" Dalia was lying to herself. It wasn't going to be a breeze especially after seeing Matthew sitting there in all his glory. She nervously played with the bracelet Matthew had gifted her on her birthday. It a name - Destiny - inscribed on it. Destiny is the meaning of her name.

Matthew had slicked his hair back into a man-bun and his eyes which usually shone were shining brighter than ever as he smiled at nothing in particular. Dalia's heart was thrumming in her ears as she swallowed down nothing. She hoped she doesn't trip and fall due to her nerves but that's unlikely since she's walked on several catwalks back in the day. "I can do it" Dalia whispered to herself before she coyly walked towards Matthew's table.

The woman slowly knocked the table with her finger, gaining attention from her date. Dalia sat down, wondering why there were three chairs at the table but she didn't question it.

"E-evening" Dalia mentally face-palmed as she stuttered. Why would she stutter!
"Good evening. Are you okay...you're awfully red" Dalia awkwardly laughed, running her hand through her wild hair, she needs to touch it up soon.
"I'm fine it's just that...there are things I want to say to you before we begin eating" Dalia said, not daring to make eye contact with Matthew which was weird because she always spoke with a bit of assertiveness in her voice but now she was just a shy mess.

"- no! Don't speak. I want you to listen to me, please" Dalia cut in, her nerves gradually coming back but she reminded herself that this is just Matthew, the man she has been seeing ever since their blind date which was almost 5 months ago
"Okay" Matthew said with a whisper. Dalia nodded in gratitude before taking a deep breath.
"I'm awfully nervous" Dalia said with an accent which was a rarity from her before she looked at Matthew again, nodding to herself and finally opening her lips.

"Matthew, I...You know, when I first walked into that restuarant a couple of months back, I didn't expect anything but an awkward first and last date. I was in a bad time actually, my apartment was taken and I was fired from my job, the only job I knew and I was sort of lost. I got my car back thankfully and I found myself living in Audrey's guest bedroom without rent or anything. I was financially stable since my father provided but I wanted to be independent but that's not the point now. You see, there are one of those days - days when I feel all alone, days i feel like I don't belong anywhere but that's where you come in. You raise my head whenever I hang it low and remind me how precious I am. You remind me that there's always that one person who wants me in their life, whatever role I play. You remind me that there's always a brighter tomorrow than the rainy today - I don't even know if I'm making sense now but I'll keep talking. What I'm trying to say is that I always had it hard expressing myself and you found a way to make me free around you. I-"

"-you're rambling" Matthew cut in with a barely audible voice which made Dalia more flustered. She cleared her throat once again, tightly holding the table cloth.
"Right, sorry. What I'm trying to say is that you are the breath of fresh air I always needed and with you, I feel complete. To put it in simple terms, I think - no actually - I am in love with you. I love you Matthew" Dalia finally delivered the bombshell and it seemed as time stopped when she looked at Matthew who looked shocked.


I'm kidding, this is second last chapter. Did you get surprised? Maybe I should end it with a cliff hanger? I'm kidding, next chapter Will conclude everything. Stay tuned...☕

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