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Dalia patiently waited for Bradley to finally arrive at their chosen inn that day. She was the one who called him and set up the meeting place. She wants to talk to him but she knows she won't get through him just by sharing a drink with him so she's gonna use an old trick called seduction. The door jingled which alerted Dalia of his arrival and she ever so slowly walked towards him, meeting him half way.

"It's been quite a while, I missed you" Dalia whispered in Bradley's ear, teasing the lobe with her tongue.
"Good to know I'm always on your mind too" Bradley said, sliding his hands around Dalia's buttocks. Dalia removed Bradley's hands from her body and sat down on the bed.
"I want us to talk. You've been neglecting something lately"
"What would that be" Bradley questioned, utterly confused.
"I'm gonna tell you a story. Once there was a young girl who dreamed of finding her prince charming" Dalia began her little tale, discarding little articles of clothing as she spoke. "She found him and they fell in love. The Prince was slow, the young girl wanted a happily ever after with him. She wanted to settle down with him and get married but the Prince never thought about that, he needed to be pushed by the young girl's friend. The end" Dalia finished her tale, already nude.

"So how is your little story relevant here" Bradley was checking Dalia out with hungry eyes, thinking of ways to ravish her body.
"Propose to Audrey before she leaves you for someone else. Audrey loves you and she sees her life with you. She's actually doubting your relationship so do what she wants. It's been almost four years, right? Don't make her wait" Dalia said feeling quite jealous.
"I'll propose by the end of the week but meanwhile, allow me?" Dalia didn't actually mind and she liked the fact that Bradley always asked for her consent.
"Go ahead"


Waking up in an empty bed was nothing new for her, what did she expect? A whole night of cuddles? Certainly not from him, they aren't together.

Her and Bradley's relationship is solely built on lust and nowadays she doesn't feel the need to see him at all. She has Matthew, the guy who made her swoon for him on the very first day she saw him. Dalia got dressed and left the inn after settling the bill. She wasn't in the mood to interact with people as a familiar feeling washed over her. She looked at the amount of couples in the streets sharing an umbrella. It was surprisingly raining even though it's winter. She was alone in her umbrella as the rain droplets hit it. She never really showed it but she hates that she is surrounded by couples. She sometimes wonders if she and Richard never broke up that day, would she be in Jennifer's place right now? If she had allowed herself to love Bradley, would she be in Audrey's place? Or if she would have the guts to confess to Matthew, would he acknowledge her feelings only or like her back and they date or would she be rejected?

Dalia doesn't think she could handle that, Matthew is special to her. She'd much rather have him as her friend than nothing at all. Dalia is not good at forming or maintaining relationships, she often blames it on her disastrous childhood. She never bonded well with her families, she was always an outcast. She never seemed to fit anywhere and that modelling job she lost half a year ago was when she actually felt like she belonged somewhere, she could do something. Her thoughts wandered a little while before she suddenly broke out into a smile. The brattiness she never possessed suddenly grew, overshadowing any loneliness she felt. She called her father's driver, she wants to see her darling father.

Upon arriving at her home, Dalia's door was opened and she was immediately covered by an umbrella. She said nothing as the front door was opened for her. She always hated when they did such trivial things for her. Sophie was waiting for her on instruction from Heath. The step mother smiled at her step daughter, it was a taunting one actually but Dalia didn't mind it, she knows she'll have the last laugh. After a while, Heath came downstairs, quite puzzled at the surprise appearance.

"What a surprise Dalia, have you finally come to your senses and you are ready to move back home?" Heath felt like he'd won. Taking her daughter's modelling job was quite easy and now seeing her standing in front of him on her own accord was making him feel ecstatic.
"Actually father, I'm not moving back but I have a request" Dalia said firmly with staccato precision.
"Ask, daughter"

"I want to be the marketing officer of Greystone's Civil Companies" Dalia asked or more like demanded, her voice determined. A lot has been stripped from her so she wants to retaliate.
"What! You can't do that! Jennifer is already the marketing officer" Sophie immediately shouted, looking at Heath.
"Sophie is married and according to our tradition, once a daughter marries off, she cuts ties with the family business so I am unmarried therefore I should he the one in that position" Dalia wanted this, not that she loves the company but for selfish reasons - status, power, boasting rights - you name it.
"Heath dear, you won't allow this right?" Sophie was quite desperate, she wanted her daughter to hold it.
"Actually I won't, she will not be the marketing officer. Dalia is the rightful heiress of my company therefore once I retire she will take over the whole company" Dalia smiled smugly, looking at Sophie who stared at her husband in disbelief at the revelation he just made.
"I can't wait father, I promise to do my best. I'll make you proud" Dalia meant that, she's always wanted to make at least one of her parents proud then maybe they'd acknowledge her.
"I'm trusting you Dalia" Heath said, looking at his well-grown daughter intently, the daughter he never took care of.


Well, that's that I guess. I feel like Dalia didn't receive anything grand ever since I started the story so why not the company? And how'd you like her little story? Stay tuned...☕

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