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The sexcapades between Bradley and Dalia continued. They were being incredibly careful. Bradley would return early and they'd leave for a motel or inn and then Bradley would return first, Dalia would later return or disappear for a day or two, sometimes coming home drunk. They did that almost everyday for a month and Dalia's absence started worrying Audrey. She knows that Dalia doesn't have that big of a circle of friends so she came up with a plan.

Dalia slowly tip-toed into the house, she was drunk that particular night. She was carrying her high heels in her hands, using the walls as an aid to walk. Her boredom has made her live an unhealthy lifestyle and the past month has been the worst. Sure, she hooks up with only Bradley but she gets drunk and always wakes up in the middle of nowhere if she didn't find herself home or at a random place in the house, she rarely makes it to bed before blacking out. Dalia didn't really expect to find Audrey in her room once again, waiting.

"Dalia you're drunk again" Audrey stated, clearly not impressed.
"Who said I'm drunk? I'm not drunk" Dalia denied, her head spinning as she walked towards to what seems like the bed, her steps were dizzy as she squinted her eyes and thankfully it was her bed and Dalia flopped on it.

"Can you believe that my party friends ditched me" Dalia's voice was muffled by a pillow.
"I can't believe it, tell me more" Audrey got comfortable on the bed, next to Dalia ignoring the stench of alcohol.
"I am bored so I have friends who keep me company in exchange I buy them drinks every night but that backfires because I have to drink with them and I don't like that cheap alcohol...I prefer champagne and wine" Audrey pitied Dalia. She wasn't a social person but she always tried but this time she got mixed with a bad crowd.
"Why don't you find a lover or something because clearly you have no passion for anything"
"I don't like anyone, I don't really think I'm capable of feeling that feeling after what happened with Richard. It's not like I'm scared that I'll be left but I just can't" Dalia looked at the ceiling then back at Audrey who was looking at next to her.
"Oh, okay but you should probably stop drinking so much, it's becoming a pattern now and I'm worried about your health"
"Of course, you know what's best for me sometimes" Dalia yawned.
"Sleep, we'll talk later"


Dalia walked along the pavements, head hung low as she thought about what she's really done all these months after losing her job. She was dependant on the allowance her father was giving her and wasn't making a move to find her own place. She just got comfortable living in Audrey's house and hasn't really contributed in the house expenses. She just spends. What Audrey had told her made sense, she was slowly slipping back to her old habits of binge drinking. She doesn't want to go through that again, it was horrible.

"Argh! I feel useless" she groaned, leaning on a pole. A stranger stood next to her, slightly poking her arm.
"Hey there beautiful" the stranger greeted, getting Dalia's attention.
"Hi" Dalia would've flirted but she feels down.
"What has gotten you so sad?"
"Just stuff..." Dalia trailed off with a tired sigh.
"Oh...that stuff makes you feel useless when you're not. Interesting" Dalia huffed, her brows twitching in annoyance.
"Thank you but that
won't work on me" the stranger chuckled a bit before crossing the road and waved at Dalia. Dalia wondered if she'd see him again but she doubts it. In that moment, the cloud hanging above Dalia dissipated into nothing, she felt lighter and with a grin, she skipped back home.


"I'm worried about her Jenny" Audrey was sitting with Jennifer in a fancy restaurant.
"Dalia is an adult, stop behaving as if she is a child but I think you should probably set her up with someone. She needs people" Jennifer sipped her cocktail.
"You mean set her up with someone? For a friendly date or a romantic one?"
"Any one of the two, like I said, Dalia needs to meet new people and she needs to move out of your house. She's becoming dependant and too comfortable" Jennifer said with a blank face.
"But she's my friend..."
"I am your friend too but you don't see me mooching off from you" Audrey didn't like the way Jennifer indirectly called Dalia a mooch but she nonetheless smiled.
"Yeah...you're right"

Well...we're meeting him next chapter ^~^ I'm so excited! The main plot had already begun, now things will get spicy. I'll most likely end this at around chapter 25-30 since each chapter has about 700-1500 words. Stay tuned ;)...☕

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