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Bradley and Dalia were slowly leaning into each other, taking their sweet time as they admired each other's faces up close, it was a one time thing and they wanted to make the most out of it.
"This means nothing" Dalia whispered, afraid that if she spoke any higher, they'd be broken out of their trance.
"Of course, whatever you say" Bradley whispered back before he slowly touched Dalia's lips with his own but a loud blaring noise interrupted their moment, Dalia recognizing the song as her ringtone.

📱What do you want Jennifer?

📲I'm calling you to save face. My dear sister are you okay? why'd you leave?

📱How is that any of your concern? It's all your fault! I so wish my mother and your mother were never friends to begin with then I'd have never met you!

📲boo hoo little baby is crying...anyway I know I should probably apologize but I'm not sorry, it's all your fault. If you were never an embarrassment to begin with then you wouldn't have been slapped. You're a disgrace to our family.

📱I'm the disgrace? You only got my surname because of marriage, your whole existence is irrelevant. You're just a pawn, look at yourself getting married just for a business deal. I'm way better than you in so many ways.


Dalia dropped the call, she was feeling quite good for confronting Jennifer. Dalia looked at Bradley before clicking off her belt and jumping on his lap. Dalia gently kissed Bradley, testing the waters but the man kissed her back with much more force. The two exchanged a heated kiss before, both breathing heavily.
"We shouldn't do this on the highway, let's find a motel or something" Dalia nodded, moving back to her seat.

It was supposed to be just one kiss but Bradley and Dalia wound up in a motel room, the woman up against the door as they kissed feverishly with passion. Bradley lifted Dalia and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Bradley held Dalia on the thighs so that she doesn't fall as he walked towards the small bed. He gently laid Dalia down, feeling the skin on her thighs while Dalia ran her hands on Bradley's hair.

"Should we even be doing this?" Dalia questioned, breathing heavily as Bradley kissed around her neck.
"Why not? It's just going to be something casual between friends. No feelings involved" Bradley easily said, toying with the strap of Dalia's dress.
"What about your girlfriend?"
"What she does not know won't hurt her" Bradley smirked, running his fingers across Dalia's hips.
"You know I'm drunk right and I cannot really give my full consent for this but do you want it?" Dalia asked, pulling Bradley closer to herself, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Of course I do, no one will find out so loosen up dear. It's just me and you now. Don't mention anyone's name" Bradley cajoled. Dalia really didn't care in that moment so she nodded.
"Fine but no one finds out" after Dalia gave her full consent, clothes went flying around the room as the bed dipped when the two swam in the sea of their forbidden and sinful desires.


"Overall, Jennifer is a really good friend and I hope that she doesn't change after marriage" Audrey rounded up her speech as the guests clapped. She got off the stage, her eyes wandering around since she didn't see her best friend when she was delivering her speech. Audrey walked up to a random person and politely greeted, asking about Dalia's whereabouts but the party was surrounded by rich snobs so she was ignored.

Audrey huffed, thinking back to the way she dismissed Dalia earlier. Could she be sad? Probably not, she's drunk so maybe she's passed out somewhere. Audrey can only hope for her safety and yet those thoughts drifted away when Jennifer approached her with her husband.

"That was such a wonderful speech dear, thank you." Audrey smiled, feeling like a VIP since thee Jennifer Greystone just thanked her.
"No need to thank me, all I said about you is true. Enjoy your honeymoon" Audrey hugged Jennifer before leaving the event. She was going to go home with someone else since she didn't plan on coming back with Bradley and she didn't know where he is. The fact that she'd invited him to the wedding as her plus one totally slipped her mind as she basked in the presence of a certain man who was accompanying her home.

The sun peaked through the blinds in the motel room, casting it's soft glow on an already awake Dalia. She had received a message from Bradley earlier which informed her about his depature. Turns out he left last night and she'd rather keep it that way. Cuddling after sex always makes certain feelings arise and she doesn't want her best friend's boyfriend to fall for her.

Dalia slowly got dressed before leaving the motel, grabbing a taxi towards the house she's been living in for a month or so. Dalia walked into the house, expecting the couple to be asleep but she immediately saw Bradley and she didn't say a word, just passed him like they didn't share a passionate night together but then it was a one time thing.

"Dalia! Where have you been last night? Your father was looking for you" Dalia was quite surprised seeing Audrey in her room.
"Why should I tell you? You don't ask a grown woman where they were" Dalia retorted, her face stoic.
"Is this about last night? I'm sorry about what I said but Jennifer-"
"Don't mention her name in front of me. If you'd excuse me, I'd like to bath and sleep" Dalia said, stretching her tired body. Bradley was really rough with her and they went more than once. She swears she's never been this satisfied in all her hookups. Maybe it's true that all the good ones are either married or in a relationship.

"Wish I could go for a second time" Dalia mumbled to herself, having long forgotten about her friend who was standing behind her.

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