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Okay! You've made it here so uhm...congrats but here is a scene that wasn't there in the book, this will be really long update but anyways...enjoy.


Dalia wound up at the cafeteria and after smelling the fast food around, she realised she was hungry. Now knowing she has the freedom to eat anything without having to maintain a certain body weight, she suddenly couldn't decide. After standing for about five minutes, she decided to go for pizza. She got in line before ordering. While waiting for her number to be called, her eyes landed on a man. She hardly found men attractive these days but that one really caught her eye. He was walking with a woman, the air around them seemingly tense. Dalia wondered what could've made them be so silent but still hold hands like a couple. The man turned his head and Dalia thought he looked at her but in reality, he was looking behind her.
"Bye handsome man I'll never see again" Dalia whispered to herself as she huffed.

Matthew and Priscilla, a long time couple were picking out clothes for Priscilla. The air around them was heavy as Matthew pondered on whatever Priscilla had told him.

"So you were going to leave the country without telling me?" Matthew whispered once again, the whole situation making him sadder  than angry.
"I was but I wasn't sure when, I'm sorry. I should've told you right when I received the news but you can always come with me" Priscilla was trying to bring Matthew's mood back up but she was failing miserably.
"When were you gonna tell me? Right when you land in South Africa? You know your internship programme only funds for you only. I cannot come with you. I'm not going to stop you from going. I don't want to be the wall that blocks you from fulfilling your dreams" Matthew threw a pair of socks in the basket, not really knowing anything about women's clothes.
"I was going to tell you tonight, I already apologized"
"I heard you the first time and I'm not angry at you, I'm just hurt that you'd completely hide something so big from me. I thought it's always us since five years ago but I guess I was wrong"

"Are you breaking up with me?" Priscilla asked, quickly making Matthew widen his eyes, panicking.
"No and neither am I going to anytime soon but just don't talk to me for a while please" and so they fell into a tense silence as they paid and walked out of the store. They were still holding hands as they walked through the cafeteria. Matthew vaguely felt a pair of eyes following him but he ignored it.

Surprise! Shocked or not? Anyway that was it. Now I'm just going to talk about the characters a bit.


So, as I've made it a point somewhere in the book. Dalia didn't have a bright and happy childhood. She had to constantly fight for her parents attention. She was constantly tossed between her father's house and her mother's houses, living with two different families. She never understood familial love and the dominant male figure in her life (her father) was absent for most of the time so that's why she constantly vied for attention from men, older or not.

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