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Dalia clutched the handle of her suitcase tightly as she stood outside of her former apartment, she has just been kicked out at night. She looked at the door that displayed her once apartment number which was written elegantly. She has no job, no house and just a few savings. How the hell did she go from a model to no one. She knows that only  a handful of people have the power to do that but she doesn't even have anyone who holds a grudge against her from the high class society.

"Why are you still here?" A worker who has thrown out her belongings questioned rudely.
"I should be asking you that" she shot back, eyeing the man up and down. Dalia took her belongings and left the apartment building, not really having a destination in mind. She couldn't really go far since her car has been taken and in her purse she only had a few bucks since the rest was in a card, which was frozen. Dalia felt trapped as she struggled to come up with a solution for her accommodation problems, she has only but one friend...and maybe she can stay there until she gets back onto her feet.

"This is the only room I can offer you" it was not much, just a wardrobe, a vanity and a double bed. This was way different than her apartment or her home but she was thankful regardless.
"Thank you" Dalia smiled while the person next to her kindly smiled back.
"No problem, friends help  each other and what that old thing did to you is disgusting!"
"I'm visiting him tomorrow. I know that my contract was overdue but I want my car back, they can keep the money" Dalia huffed as she sat down on the hard bed. It was really hard, she doesn't think she can sleep on it but she doesn't really have a choice for now...she'll buy a mattress when she can.

"You get it, you should probably suck up to your father until you are back on your feet" Audrey advised with a small teasing smile on her beautiful face.
"No! I'll never do that. He would be like I told you so and I hate that, Heath is cruel" Dalia immediately disagreed, not entertaining the idea at all.
"I knew you'd say that and one more thing, don't walk around naked or half-dressed, I live with Bradley"
"Sure~ and you make sure I'm out of the house before you do your thing" a pillow flew to Dalia's face as she laughed, looking at Audrey who was blushing hard.
"Shut up!" Audrey hissed, fanning her burning face. Dalia smiled softly quite the opposite of what she felt since  inside she felt too angry but nonetheless smiled for her friend.


"Welcome Dalia~" seeing Mr Wells smiling deviously as he ran his eyes up and down Dalia's figure. Dalia couldn't help but imagine the old man slipping and falling out of the window (dark but we all do have dark sides) and his office is on the 10th floor.

"What did I do to be blessed with your presence" there was an underlying lust in the way Mr Wells looked at Dalia, he looked at her like she was the last glass of water in the fridge on a very hot day or the last slice of pizza.
"Car, I want my car back. You and your agency took the apartment which you bought and gave the deed to me. You took the car that I bought with my own money and you even froze my accounts, I want my car back" Dalia demanded, glaring at Mr Wells who only broke into a wide grin.
"How about I say no, you have to earn your car back" Dalia was fuming as she hit the table with her Hands, her chair falling back since she stood up with a lot of force.
"I cannot smile for a stupid camera wearing itchy lingerie for twenty hours, wear dresses and swimwear just for you to say that!! You were the one never renewed my contract and it was overdue and now suddenly you take everything from me! You played with me, you should've kicked me out 4 years ago!! I would have a good job by now and not be sitting here with your ugly face shouting at you!!" Dalia was breathing heavily after shouting at the older man who only looked at her with a small smile.
"You've always been hot-headed but really, you do know what you have to do to get your car back. I can even get you a job" Mr Wells gestured to himself with a sick smile, "I'm sure you don't have a problem since you've been doing it for years and seemingly enjoyed your rewards" he added, playing with a pen.

"I'm not....Do you know who am I? I am Dalia Greystone, an heiress and if you do not give me what I want, I'm sure my father would be happy to put you out of business" Dalia hated using such words, she hated threatening people most especially about the power she holds. She saw Mr Wells' face visibly pale, all the cockiness from before disappearing. Mr Wells opened a drawer and took out a bunch of keys, handing them to Dalia who smiled. "And unfreeze my bank accounts then transfer a quarter of what I've earned this year" Dalia wasn't greedy, she just wanted that bit.
"It will be done"
"Good, it was a pleasure doing business with you Mr Wells" Dalia took her keys and went to the ground floor and sure enough, her car was parked in its usual spot.

"Curse the Greystones" Mr Wells seethed, looking at the dot of what he assumed was Dalia's car

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