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Dining with Bradley alone was kind of awkward for Dalia. The two of them didn't have much to talk about except certain complements that they wanted to tell each other but were too scared to share. Dalia was being very lady-like, cutting the meat into small pieces and not chewing loudly. Bradley was quite impressed with the lady's manners. When you look at Dalia, she looks like a rowdy person but she also looks like a shy college kid who is yet to know anything about the world outside.

"You're beautiful" Bradley mistakenly blurted out, taking Dalia by surprise who choked on her juice. After having coughing fit and drinking a glass of water, Dalia was finally okay and then she properly glared at the person who's accompanying her.
"Thanks, I've been told that many times" Dalia coolly played it off with a soft smile.
"I'm sure you have, it's quite true"
"You're quite handsome too, the manly kind of handsome" Dalia complemented back with a smirk. She knew flirting with her friend's boyfriend is wrong but she can't help it.
"Uh huh, do you perhaps find me attractive?"
"Very" the two smiled looking at each other, they shared the same brain cell in that moment but Audrey dragged herself into the dining room, looking very tired. The dress incident was forgotten now since it happened a week ago.

"I'm so tired, I need a nap" Audrey yawned and made her way towards her boyfriend before she situated herself in his lap. "Carry me to our room, I need to sleep" Dalia's face was neutral, she felt nothing really but a tinge of want. How long has it been since anyone looked at her like how Bradley look at Audrey but then Bradley winked at Dalia before he left carrying Audrey bridal style. Dalia was left dumbfounded, she and that man flirted and now he was throwing suggestive winks at her while carrying his girlfriend. What sort of man is he?


Jennifer and her fiance were sitting in front of each other, the air tense around them.
"I told you we'll do what I want!" Jennifer slammed her fist on the table.
"What you want? This is our wedding and it's not like I love you but let me get to decide too because we won't divorce" Jennifer hated that their marriage was one of convenience, it was one that'll unite the families and increase their wealth and influence among the other rich families, there was no love - well she did love Richard but it was unrequited.
"Don't remind me, please just let me choose the decor. Men don't know anything about colour coordination and such, please Richard" Jennifer begged, melting Richard who slowly nodded, still uncertain about letting Jennifer handle the wedding decor but he also knew that it was a once in a lifetime moment, he can't be selfish.
"If it ends up ugly just like your dress at the engagement party, I'll leave" and Richard was serious. He wasn't really attracted to Jennifer, it's not like she's not beautiful but he's still hung up on his first love and seeing her on the engagement party really brought back some memories. He just wants to right his wrong that he made because of his parents. He still remembers that day clearly, a fine day that ended in tears...


Dalia was very excited that day. She was finally free from her schedules and had no pending assignments from university so she could meet her boyfriend Richard  without having to worry about any other engagements or responsibilities.

Meanwhile, Richard was standing in front of his parents after receiving a lecture about how he shouldn't date Young Mistress Greystone and go for the older sister because it's highly likely that Jennifer has more shares in the business than Dalia. Richard didn't want that, he loves Dalia but at the same time he lived to please his parents.

"Richard dear, if you do that then you'll make us really proud" Mrs Milton coaxed her son. Richard slowly nodded.
"I...I'll break up with her" saying that was probably one of the hardest things Richard has ever done but delivering the news to Dalia will be worse most especially when Richard saw her smiling face.

The young couple went to an amusement park for their date. They both hadn't been to an amusement park in years and when Richard saw the Ferris wheel, he thought that'll be the perfect place to break up with her, the same place he confessed to her. Ending it where it all started.

"Thank you Richard!" Dalia smiled at her boyfriend before she pecked his lips but immediately blushed out of shyness. The two were queuing for the Ferris wheel and Richard was getting more and more nervous.
"No need, you deserve it" Richard offered a strained smile at Dalia who immediately hugged her purple unicorn plushie tighter, it was quite big.

The couple boarded one of the carts and before long, the ride started and Dalia was brimming with child-like excitement. Richard cleared his throat, garnering his younger girlfriend's attention.
"Dalia~" Richard smoothly called her name, his rich baritone voice resonating around the cart and reaching Dalia to who responded with a small hum.  The boy stood next to his lover and hung his arm over her shoulders, lightly squeezing them before taking a deep breath.
"I...you know that I love you and I'd never hurt you on purpose right?"
"Yes, I know that" Dalia offered a slight smile at him.
"And you know how our families are?"
"I do but where is this going?" Richard's eyes were already filling with tears as he thought about what he was about to say next.
"We need to break up, I actually l-like your sister now" Richard let a lone tear roll down his cheek.
"I don't understand, why? Did I do something wrong?" Dalia was struck with a sudden sadness as she wiped Richard's tear away.
"It's not you, it's just me. My...I want your sister, she has more to offer than you. I'm sorry, my parents want me and her together and not us. I'm really s-"

"- No don't" Dalia cut him off, "It's okay, don't apologize. It was nice while it lasted but like always as you know, they always go for my sister" Dalia doesn't like crying but that moment she felt like it so when the ride ended, she quickly got off the cart and made a run for it, wiping some tears that almost fell.

"I'm okay, don't cry, it's okay" she whispered to herself before she found a lone bench and sat on it, alone. "It's okay, he was going to leave anyway, it's nothing new Dalia you're used to it. It's all okay" she smiled to herself feeling hollow. "I hate them" Dalia muttered.

Back at the Ferris wheel, Richard watched his first love disappearing into the crowd. He deeply regrets abruptly ending what they had, it was beautiful but then he let his parents dictate his life so he leaves the park with a broken heart, knowing he'll have to nurse it himself since his parents are both too busy.

How was it? I love little back stories and I usually write them when I don't know what to write :3 don't worry, all is well but I'm just writing two things at once so my thoughts are sometimes all over the place, stay tuned...☕

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