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Don't hate me, I'm innocent.

"Are you serious?" Matthew asked, voice shaky due to shock.
"Y-yes...Do you not like me back?" Dalia asked, voice so small as she tried to hide her face. Matthew chuckled in disbelief, hooking his fingers into his tightly tied hair.
"I can't believe this. Dalia, I love you, a lot but just not in the way you were hoping for. I know you have a hard time opening up to people but I'm just not for you" Matthew said, voice serious as he pitifully stared at the woman in front of him.
"I don't understand, what do you mean?" Dalia knew exactly what he meant but she wasn't ready for that pain.

"I know you're amazing Dalia really but my feelings for you are only platonic. I don't see myself having romantic feelings for you. It's not that there's anything wrong with you - no - but I just can't" Matthew was trying to let her down smoothly but he knew he was failing.
"What about the kiss then? It didn't mean anything to you?" Dalia knew she probably was acting pathetic now. Her hopes were so high and this disappointment now was drowning her in the deepest oceans of despair.

"Didn't Audrey tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"I have a girlfriend. She was away on an internship programme and she came back today and I wanted you to meet her. I thought Audrey told you I only wanted a platonic companionship" Dalia scoffed in disbelief.
"The same person who urged me to confess knew you have someone, I don't believe this" Dalia laughed, she laughed at her utter foolishness. Her heart hurt, her throat was closing up and she knew she was going to cry. She wasn't going to stop herself this time, it's been too long.

"I'm sorry Dalia, I should've never kissed you but that was an in-the-moment kinda thing. I hope we can still talk" Dalia's nose flaring in anger and sadness.
"You led me on, made me feel like you loved me the way I love you  I feel so stupid"
"Your feelings are not stupid Dalia, you are the most amazing and genuine person I've met this ye-"
"-shut up, don't try and sweet talk me. I'm done. I'm leaving" Dalia scraped her chair back loudly, garnering the attention of the other customers. A lone tear threatened to fall from her eyes but she held them in, she still needs to drive. Dalia left the restaurant just as a pretty lady came up to the table she was previously in.

"Babe? Was that your friend?" The lady asked.
"Priscilla, I think our friendship just ended" Matthew whispered, Priscilla holding his larger hand actually feeling bad.
"Is it because of me?"
"No, it's no ones fault" Matthew breathed out, putting his head on top of Priscilla's.


Dalia threw the door open, actually hitting the wall with it before slamming it shut. She actually startled the couple who were dozing off in the couch. Audrey knew Dalia wasn't alright at all judging from the way she looked, her eyes red from preventing her tears from falling.

"I'm guessing the confession didn't go well" Audrey said in a soft voice. She has never seen Dalia looking so hurt and sad.
"Of course it didn't go well! How was it supposed to go well when the man has a girlfriend! You never told me that, he actually thought you did - so he never mentioned it! You urged me to confess, encouraged me and helped me gather my thoughts before you sent me off with a smile when you knew I was going to get rejected. You're so evil!" Dalia yelled, tears freely flowing down her cheeks. Audrey was surprised, she has never seen Dalia crying.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to tell you that. You were just so happy, the happiest I've ever seen you and I didn't want to ruin that for you, I only did that because I love you" Audrey felt bad now that she thought about what she did.

"I wasn't in your best interests, you made a selfish decision by yourself for yourself. You've always been selfish. No wonder Bradley always cheated! You only think about yourself, you never think about other people. Everything has to always go your way! That's why your relationship with Bradley is crumbling down because you're selfish! You don't even know that your dearest fiance was my boyfriend before yours! I, Dalia had to to leave him because I know you, you would've seperated us and I regretted doing that for days but guess what, I moved on but then...then we started an affair. Bradley really does give good sex Audrey but you never learnt to appreciate" Dalia said out of spite, Audrey looked at her friend in shock, tears gathering in her eyes.

"Dalia...h-how?" Audrey couldn't form a sentence but Dalia understood what she meant.
"The night of Jennifer's wedding, the same night you were ignoring him at the same time siding with Jennifer when she was wrong. You're very selfish! Your good decision didn't only lead to my heart broken, you may as well have hurt Matthew in the process. I enjoyed sleeping with your Fiancé by the way" Dalia smiled through her tears, a devious one to be precise.
"Get out!" Audrey screamed, before sobbing. Her own friend betrayed her!

"I was already on my way out and I feel bad about outing Bradley but you need to feel what I feel, I'm not going to be the only one crying tonight." Dalia meant that, she hates shedding tears alone so why not make her ex friend cry? She went to her former room and took the pair of earrings she had left behind before leaving the house. Once safely in her car, she cried more. She couldn't believe she was crying because of a man again.

That night didn't just end with tears, it ended with a broken heart and two broken relationships. One can be fixed and the others are beyond repair.



Well, that's that. I'm not sorry. All that's left is the epilogue and then I'm going to talk about where the Priscilla character came from but in the note after the epilogue. Stay tuned...☕

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