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Jennifer's engagement party was quite the topic as many many associates from Heath's business to some of Jennifer's famous friends and even the people from Dalia's ex company were there. She knows the people from her modelling agency were invited to spite her but she's moved. She got what she treasured the most and that was her car.

"Dalia! Audrey! I'm so glad you made it" Jennifer hugged both girls with air kisses in their cheeks. Dalia was quite disgusted by the greeting but nonetheless smiled.
"It's really pretty Jenny, you outdid yourself" Dalia praised with a sarcastic tone and a huge fake smile.
"Thank you sister oh and I want you guys to meet my Fiancé soon" Jennifer genuinely smiled as she mentioned her love. Dalia knew that look well and she really couldn't believe that her sister fell for Richard Milton, she just hopes that she will be happy?

As Dalia walked around the banquet hall, she couldn't help but smile arrogantly since she turned heads wherever she went. She felt quite pleased that she stole the attention from the guests. On the other hand, Jennifer was fuming because every time she talked to a guest, they'd mention how pretty her sister's dress was. Jennifer finally had enough and marched to find her mother and once she did, she motioned for her to follow her.

"Mom, Dalia is taking all the attention from me! Her dress is more expensive and prettier than mine" Jennifer complained, sniffling as if she was about to cry.
"Oh my baby, it's okay. We'll tell her to take it off and wear something less expensive and uglier than yours" Sophie soothed her daughter who missed the part that her mother called her dress ugly. The duo set out to locate Dalia but it wasn't hard considering that people continuously turned their heads towards her direction. After standing at an arm's distance, Sophie, tapped Dalia's shoulder  who frowned once she saw who wanted her attention but nevertheless gave them what they want.

'Oh...you~?" Dalia trailed off, silently judging the way the mother-daughter duo had dressed, it looked like it's straight out of a bin versus the regal dresses and suits in the banquet hall.
"Take off your dress and swap with Jennifer" Sophie ordered, making Dalia laugh with a hint of mock-amusement while looking at the two people who are her family on papers.
"Why would I do that?" Dalia asked instead.
"It's an order, come on let's go to the bathroom before my Jenny has to go on stage with Richard" Sophie chastised, grabbing Dalia's arm who yanked her body part away from what she claims is a demon in disguise.
"No" Dalia said, face void of any emotions. The step mother was about to put up a fight but it was suddenly announced that the couple should go on stage. Sophie gritted her teeth in anger before she took Jennifer's hand and dragged her towards the stage just as Audrey was arriving at the scene with her boyfriend.

Seeing Richard Milton on stage with a huge smile with Jennifer by his side stirred something deep within Dalia. No, she wasn't jealous but rather she accepted their relationship. They looked good together, better than her and Richard if Dalia might dare to say. The smiles on everyone's faces was quite genuine but she couldn't smile, she just cannot celebrate their relationship. She did feel betrayed when Jennifer pursued a relationship with Richard right after they had broken up but it was years ago.
"You're okay?" Audrey was concerned after seeing the absent look on Dalia's face.
"Strangely, I am" her friend replied but Audrey didn't stop worrying but nevertheless let it go.

The couple exchanged rings and then the party officially began. Dalia was here and there, answering questions she didn't want to answer but she had to so that she doesn't ruin her reputation. She wasn't that well-known on her own but she was aware of how the high society is. She didn't want to be shunned, she was already Heath Greystone's other daughter - her reputation was on thin ice.

After a couple of hours, Dalia was already bored. Her friend was out there socializing but came back every now and again to check up on her. Jennifer came around with her fiance, a huge grin decorating her pretty face.

"Dalia! Did you meet Richie yet?"
"No. Evening Young Master Milton" Dalia greeted with a monotone voice, she seemed so uninterested - she was actually - but she doesn't want to present herself badly.
"Evening Dalia" the way Richard spoke so casually with Dalia poked her wrongly. Dalia smiled at him as they talked for a while before she excused herself.

"She's still clueless" Richard mumbled, starring at Dalia's disappearing figure but then his fiancee was missing so he just opted to socialise somewhere else.

Dalia was drinking a glass of champagne as she stood alone among the crowd. Jennifer came out of nowhere and bumped into her, causing to spill the drink on her dress. Dalia was surprised to say the least but after seeing no apologetic look and receiving no apology from her step sister she planned on retaliating but then:

"I'm so sorry Dalia, it was an accident" Jennifer was trying to wipe away the beverage with her hands, making her voice hysteric as if Dalia did something wrong to her. This caught the attention of Heath and Sophie who were standing near them. Dalia was just dumbly standing there before she removed Jennifer's hands from the stain.
"Okay...you've done enough" truth is, it wasn't okay but she was acting for her father.

"What happened here?" Heath asked, looking at his two daughters.
"I accidentally spilled champagne on Dalia but she won't forgive me" Jennifer lied through her teeth.
"Dalia forgive your sister" Heath ordered Dalia who only scoffed in disbelief.
"How about you tell them Jen that I didn't ask you to smudge the drink nor ask for an apology, I didn't even say anything"
"Dalia accept your sister's apology" Heath pressed on.
"She didn't even apologize properly, dad" Dalia was close to shouting, she suddenly felt angry considering that this drama is unnecessary.
"Shut up dad, I forgive you Jennifer" Dalia said, nose flaring in anger.
"Hug it out my daughters" Sophie smiled before Dalia was pulled into an unnaturally tight hug.

"You chose to upstage me but I'll have the last laugh" Jennifer whispered to Dalia before Dalia heard something ripping and Jennifer detaching herself from her step sister.

Dalia's thin spaghetti strap had snapped and the dress gave out, revealing what was underneath but she quickly caught the material and covered herself. Gasps echoed on the banquet hall, the music having had stopped a long time ago. People whispered, Dalia hearing them before she ran into someone's chest which was luckily Bradley who caged her in his arms. Dalia never cries, she wouldn't start today either but the embarrassment was too much and it was worse that her own best friend was busy cackling with Jennifer a few meters away.
"Let's leave" Bradley kindly said, walking out with the woman.

Jennifer ruined her already boring night.

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