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"Audrey!!" The two women screamed when they saw each other and hugged tightly. It has been quite a while since they last saw each other but  nonetheless tried to keep in touch. Audrey had just returned from her shoots abroad. Unlike Dalia, her friend was an actress, a rising one to be precise. She was working on what would be her breakthrough series since she is finally the female lead.

"Dear, you're so beautiful! I reckon that old man has been keeping you happy" Dalia made a disgusted face before slightly pushing her friend.
"That disgusting thing! I'm keeping myself happy because I'm the only one who knows me" Dalia smiled proudly, displaying her perfect pearly white teeth which she just went to a dentist for - for her annual wash.
"Right...but he has been giving you money"
"Was, he was Audrey. I earn my own now, I'm an independent woman" Audrey rolled or rather tried to roll her eyes as she pulled friend to sit next to her.

"Enough about your old man. Do you remember that guy that I met a while ago" Audrey shook her friend as she nodded. "Well, guess who's living with them now!" Both women squealed like teenage girls, the guy Audrey was talking about was a man they both had seen and liked and agreed that whoever made a move first would keep him (they like to claim people they like as theirs) and Dalia let him go for Audrey but she doesn't need to know that.

"Ugh! You people are moving forward. Do you know Jen is getting married to Young Master Milton"
"No way! Your first love!"
"Yes way and I'm not jealous at all but what irks me the most is that my father, despite being my father supports her! When I was with him, father immediately told me to leave him and he is my father" Dalia huffed as she thought back to those days when she was growing up.
"Well, didn't Young...I mean Richard leave you?" Dalia shot her friend a look.
"He did, I was 19 back then and he said I was too immature. Imagine me, immature when he wanted to play around with my step sister. It still sucks to know that my own father likes my step sister better"
"I know Jennifer is your step sister but you don't need to make it a point but she's not really bad, she's quite a good person you know"
"To you she is, but her and that witch that's her mother are the definitions of evil" hatred was something Dalia deeply harboured especially for her own family.
"You hate them..." Audrey trailed off as a the pair slipped into a comfortable silence.


"Smile for the last time" Dalia smiled innocently at the camera and the cameramen clicked away before the head photographer stopped. "Alright, that was the last image! Let's wrap up and finally rest!!" Dalia couldn't help but think that those words had double meaning but she didn't dwell on that much since she now could go to sleep in her comfortable apartment.

Dalia relaxed onto her couch as she drank wine. She likes the time when she is just alone, with no one to bother her as she stares down at the beautiful city below or the starry night sky with a small smile if she feels slightly happy or with a cold face if she is sad, which is more frequent since she is one lonely person with only one friend.

Right when Dalia was about to sip her rich red wine, the door to her apartment was threw open as a multitude of people flooded her place. She immediately stood up as anger arose inside of her.

"What are you all doing here! And what are you doing to my furniture!!" She screamed as she people ripped her expensive couch open, her TV was broken as the tiles on the floor were smashed. The books in the shelf were scattered around in the living room as she watched in horror as her living room was destroyed within the blink of an eye. It all happened too fast and she didn't have the time to focus on anything before she was shoved to the side. Dalia stumbled a bit before catching herself.

She decided to go her personal bedroom but her eyes nearly fell out when she saw her closet being fully open, clothes that she got from modelling were being thrown onto the floor as people continued to demolish the place.
"What are you all doing!" She yelled as the people stopped, a man walking up to her with a paper.

"Your contract has ended today ma'am so the company is taking back everything they own and even the money you earned while you were working for us" Dalia didn't understand a thing, how could they take everything she owns.
"Why? And how can you do that! I worked for my things"
"Actually, the company employed you as a child model at age 14 and your contract was due to be terminated when you turned 19 so ma'am how old are you?"
"23, I'm 23"
"Exactly, the company has a full right to take back what you earned for the past four years and that includes your car and everything in this apartment and Mr Wells has asked us to tell you to leave this place tonight" the worker explained, confusing the semi-drunk Dalia.
"B-but Mr Wells gave the deed of the apartment to me so it's mine and why am I suddenly getting kicked out!!" She yelled as the worker shot her a look.
"A fresh face has been found and she is quite young meanwhile you...I'm not going to comment on that but all I know is that you are fired" that was quite harsh and Dalia really didn't have a choice but to look at the people as they destroyed her once beautiful house. She really doesn't have anywhere to go because she doesn't want to back home.

So her ex photographer's words really had a double meaning! What a bad day, almost passed as the worst day of her life.

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