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"What about family? I've never really asked about them. How are they like, do you love them and all that. I really love learning things about you Dalia" Matthew and the aforementioned were having a little picnic. The weather was quite fair that day even though it's winter. Yes, it was cold but there was a weak sunlight shining down on them so they dressed up. It was almost three months since their second date at the ice cream parlour they visited in so naturally the season had changed and it was early winter.

"Family~ there's not much really. I didn't have that love dovey family that goes on vacations together and all that shit. My mother and father divorced when I was five. Both my parents quickly remarried to their lovers in less than a year and I bounced back and forth between my father and my mother and their new families. At 15 I became a child model and I stayed more with my father since, then I moved out when I was 17 and I've been living alone till now. It wasn't a fantastic childhood really, it was tiring. Seeing kids at school with their parents while I was stuck with a nanny or some random business partner. I hated it all and now I kind of hate my parents" Dalia hated reminiscing  those days. She always felt lost and unwanted when she'd bounce between both families every week. She always craved for attention and often found herself looking for it in the wrong places. She still knows she's doing that but she can't seem to stop herself.
"Wow...that's~ I don't know what to say. You're really strong to have endured that exchange for your whole childhood" Matthew was a person of words. He loved to speak his mind out but at the same time was thoughtful.
"Thank you, your family now? You look like your parents favourite child" Dalia nudged him slightly with a frivolous smile.

"I am their favourite, they supported me in anything and everything I wanted to do as long as it was legal. I remember one time I said I want to climb a mountain, I was young back then so we went to small hill. I was so excited! Anyway they are the best parents I could ask for and sadly I have no siblings" Matthew gushed with excitement, Dalia was jealous of him really but she was satisfied with the smile he got out of him.
"Really? That's cool!" Dalia simply said, the two laughing lightly at nothing particular. They sat together for a little while longer before the sun was covered with clouds and they decided to leave since cold wind started blowing.


Audrey sighed at nothing in particular, waiting for Bradley to come in. It was quite late and in any case, Bradley did say he'd be late but Audrey had hoped he was just bluffing. With a heavy heart, the woman left the living room going towards her best friend's bedroom whom she hasn't spoken to in a while.

Audrey knocked on the door gently before slowly entering. Dalia was smiling to her cell, much like how she's been doing for months.
"Hey!" Audrey greeted in a chirpy voice which immediately wiped off the pretty smile that was adorning Dalia's face.
"What do you want?"
"Don't be so cold Dalia, I just want my friend back" Audrey said in a low voice, her ambience quickly changing. Dalia sighed and gestured Audrey to sit next to her.
"What's wrong?" Dalia gently asked, paying semi-attention to her friend since she was expecting a text back from Matthew.

"Uh...well...it's quite hard really but I think Bradley is seeing other people" Dalia's eyes widened as panic enveloped her but she quickly cooled down before looking at her friend, she doesn't know - she convinced herself.
"Didn't you accuse him of doing that and then you two got into a fight? Don't ever think like that. There aren't many loyal men like Bradley out there" Dalia really wanted to laugh at what she said. She herself is the person Bradley is having an affair with but she is defending his name, the irony of this situation.
"Yeah I know but we've been together for almost four years now, why won't he pop the questions? I've been waiting for a while now" Audrey whined and Dalia finally understood. Audrey had always wanted to have a big and fancy wedding and now seeing though her man isn't proposing is stressing her.
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll propose soon" the younger woman soothed. Audrey smiled at her friend a bit before snatching her phone causing Dalia to shriek.

"Oh my! You've been texting Matt for weeks now!" Dalia was jumping to get her phone back but Audrey was much taller and stronger than her so with one push, Dalia found herself stumbling.
"Give it back!" Dalia was screaming before Audrey threw the device on the bed, both friends bursting into a loud laughter.

"How's my cousin to you?" Audrey asked once they stopped laughing and could breathe normally again. A blush decorated Dalia's face as she thought about the person she likes, Matthew.
"I like him, he's friendly and wonderful and pretty inside out. He's just him" Dalia gushed, hiding her red face from Audrey who only smiled at her younger friend. If only she knew...

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