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Dalia really waited but the message never came. It has been a week, not that she's counting but she had high hopes for Matthew but she's dissapointed. The young lady sent a text about three days ago but it wasn't even seen so she probably thinks that he's busy or lost his phone - at this point, she's just making excuses to pacify herself. She knows there's someone she can lean on, her friend but now the way Audrey just barged into her room made her think for a moment before confiding in her.

"Why haven't you apologized yet?" Audrey barked, confusing her friend.
"For what? As far as I remember, I've done nothing wrong" Dalia mused, twirling her hair.
"You hurt Jennifer, she's been crying all week. What you did was wrong and you should account for It!" Oh...her~ Dalia didn't think that Jennifer would actually tell her own best friend so they fight but then again, Jennifer is cunning.
"So how is that my problem? She's not a queen that I have to not defend myself when she goes crazy. Tell your friend Jennifer that she won't get any dirty apology from me, she might as well go to hell" Dalia meant what she said, she hates that her supposed best friend is busy trying to force her to seek forgiveness from someone. Audrey was about to shout at Dalia but the younger's phone dinged and she rushed to grab it, her once frowning face broke into a huge smile and she danced around.

"He replied!"


Matthew stared at the breathtaking view ahead of him - it was a hill. He knows he promised to text Dalia but the man has been so nervous and just chose to ignore her all week but he feels guilty knowing she is probably waiting for him. He does not want to dissapoint the woman, Audrey took time to set them up. Matthew finally gained some courage and sent a simple "hey" and before he could even lock his phone, it was already replied to. He didn't know the girl was impatiently waiting and he didn't hesitate to ask her out, he wants to be accompanied by her  again. Dalia is good company in his eyes.


Dalia was freaking out, she didn't expect Matthew to invite her out on that very same day. She was planning on moping all day after her little fight with Audrey. She's quite done with her behaviour, she hates that she's always fighting with her older friend because of Jennifer.

She slowly got dressed, not looking long in the mirror because she'll have second thoughts about her whole outfit. Dalia took a small purse which had her necessities - phone, wallet, money, lip balm, sanitary towel and a band aid - got to be prepared for anything and everything right?

Dalia didn't know why she was nervous, she was never one to shy away from attention but the way Matthew looked at her as she slowly approached the place he was standing at made her feel so many emotions - want, anger, pain but most for all...happiness - with a giddy smile, Dalia waved lightly at Matthew.

"Hey!" Dalia was surprised at her own voice, it was a higher pitch that usual but could you blame her? She was happy.
"Hello there, I am sorry I didn't contact you" Matthew said shocking Dalia, she didn't expect an apology without her bringing it up. Richard never apologized for anything unless Dalia called him out for it.

"It's okay, I'm sure you had your reasons" Dalia never really liked to fight...well except when provoked so she instead chose to move from that.
"Thank you, I thought I had to coax you" Matthew sighed, leading Dalia to an ice cream parlour.
"No need unless you want to, you can" the woman smiled, it wasn't awkward today - they were freer.
"Can I bribe you with an ice cream sundae"
"If you're gonna buy me a large one" Dalia was a sucker for ice cream but when she was a model, she couldn't eat it whenever she wanted to but now she makes sure she gets it whenever she goes to town. Ice cream is life, she would say to whoever she's out with.

Child-like excitement was exuding off Dalia as Matthew put her sundae in front of her. Delicately scooping the ice cream, her eyes were wide with excitement when the flavour of the frozen desert melted against her tongue.
"So good~" she whispered, quickly scooping another spoon while Matthew was just looking at her like she's a little kid, she was acting like one but we're not on that.

After the two finished, they exited the ice cream parlour, walking on the pavement with no destination in mind.
"This feels like a cliché teen date with the ice cream and pointless walk" Dalia broke the comfortable silence they were basking in.
"I didn't think you noticed but we all love clichés, you enjoyed it" Matthew brushed his hand against Dalia's who was quite oblivious to the action.
"Where to now? Are we just going to walk or you have a specific destination in mind?" Matthew thought for a second before an idea struck him. The man gently took Dalia's hand to his own before delicately tugging her to the right, both crossing the road.
"Let's go watch a movie, let's be a cliché couple" Dalia just shrugged, it didn't seem like a bad idea and she certainly didn't mind being whisked away by Matthew like this, she wishes that she isn't ghosted after this little date. Matthew is different, she can feel it in her melting heart


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