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"Wow, look at that!" Audrey pointed to a diamond studded ring with a huge smile on her face. The two were out shopping mostly for extra groceries since Dalia was living with Audrey and Bradley. Audrey had offered to pay and that made Dalia feel embarrased since she was the one who used to pay all the time but she wouldn't mention that, everyone loves free things.
"It's beautiful..." Dalia trailed off when her eyes landed on a very familiar figure who was busy picking out rings.
"Look it's Jen! Let's say hi" Audrey dragged Dalia who didn't have time to refuse since she really doesn't like her sister.

"Hi Jennifer!" The aforementioned was startled but when she saw who greeted her, she smiled sweetly at Audrey while completely undermining Dalia.
"Hey Audrey, it's been a while sweetie, come here" the two hugged and exchanged friendly kisses. Dalia was looking at her friend and step sister weirdly, she hates the fact that ever since she was young, Jennifer always became friends with her friends and sometimes her friends left her for her sister. Audrey and Jennifer talked like the good friends they were, occasionally laughing completely forgetting about Dalia who got fed up with being excluded and left the shop, to wander around the mall.

Dalia wound up at the cafeteria and after smelling the fast food around, she realised she was hungry. Now knowing she has the freedom to eat anything without having to maintain a certain body weight, she suddenly couldn't decide. After standing for about five minutes, she decided to go for pizza. She got in line before ordering. While waiting for her number to be called, her eyes landed on a man. She hardly found men attractive these days but that one really caught her eye. He was walking with a woman, the air around them seemingly tense. Dalia wondered what could've made them be so silent but still hold hands like a couple. The man turned his head and Dalia thought he looked at her but in reality, he was looking behind her.
"Bye handsome man I'll never see again" Dalia whispered to herself as she huffed silently before jumping when her shoulders were suddenly touched.

"There you are Dalia, we thought you left anyway Jennifer wanted to tell you something" Audrey's  voice invaded her ears, instantly calming her down. She nearly slapped her out of fright.
"Yeah, talk" obeying Dalia's wishes, Jennifer cleared her throat before she smirked.
"My engagement party is the day after tomorrow, be there" it's not like Dalia had a choice, if she did then she wouldn't go. That's how much she dislikes her step sister.
"Oh, I'll be there. I can't wait to see you tying yourself to someone for the rest of your life" Dalia smiled before her order number was called.


It was late at night and Dalia couldn't sleep, again. The springs of the mattress were painfully poking her and she did what anyone who couldn't sleep did, she left the bed. Maybe a cold glass of water could help her.

Her footsteps echoed on the eerily silent passages but what was surprising was that there was light coming from the kitchen. Dalia didn't think much of it and instead went through the door of the kitchen before letting out a low squeal, seeing Bradley standing there shirtless.

Bradley was surprised to say the least, last time he checked, he only lived with one woman who is his girlfriend. Dalia casted her eyes down, blushing as she remembers what she is wearing, a short and skimpy night-dress.

"I...g-good morning? S...sorry I just wanted a glass of water" Dalia broke the silence as she shuffled towards the cupboard which was coincidentally behind Bradley.
"Why are you here?" Bradley asked instead, he knows the woman.
"I live here" Dalia stated, trying to reach the glass but she couldn't because Bradley was in front of her. The man noticed her struggling before he moved to the other side of the kitchen.

"When did you start living here?" Bradley interrogated, watching Dalia walking from station to station.
"It's almost been a week, you're never around so you wouldn't see me at the odd hours of the day" Dalia replied before drinking her water in one go.
"So that's why the water bill suddenly spiked up, are you paying rent?"
"No...I'm unemployed at the moment and only have a few savings"
"You're a rich kid, how come you're broke?"
"Stop interrogating me! It's getting annoying and if you want your answers, ask your girlfriend!" Dalia snapped before she marched out of the kitchen leaving a smirking Bradley who continued to drink his whiskey.


Dalia~" over the day, Bradley had been bothering Dalia with constant questions and finally, the former model had had enough so she left the house, going to do whatever jobless people did all day in her opinion. Drink.

She was no stranger to alcohol - in fact, she used to binge drink until her manager found out and made her quit. She did stop drinking spirits and wines with a high percentage of alcohol and opted for something smaller. Occasionally, she'd get too drunk to even walk but that happens only when she's either too stressed or too hurt or just plain bored. Today she was just bored so she found herself in front of her favourite bar, ready to get drunk out of her wits.

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