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Bradley offered his blazer to Dalia who took it and wore it. She has never been so thankful to anyone in that year. The two were walking back to the car they came with and Bradley dismissed the driver since he'll come back for Audrey then the driver can do his job. The car was plunged in silence as Bradley drove but a burning question made him to look at Dalia who was holding the blazer tightly to her chest.

"Are you okay?" Bradley finally asked, eyes alternating between the road and the woman in the passenger seat.
"Not really, instead of helping, Audrey was busy laughing like a hyena. I was embarrased and she sided with those fake people" Dalia was angry, her best friend really put the cherry on top on her boring turned embarrassing night.
"Maybe she had her reasons but I'm here and anyway your uhm chest is flawless so you shouldn't worry, those rich snobs won't have anything to gossip about" Bradley smiled at Dalia before he squeezed her small hand gently, "it'll be okay" he added and Dalia believed him.


Dalia will think about that, no one goes unpunished. After Bradley dropped Dalia at their house, he left for the party once again. Upon arriving, he spotted his girlfriend leaning on a pillar alone and he took a deep breath before approaching her. Audrey hadn't noticed Bradly before but when she did, she smiled before taking dizzy steps towards him.

"Bradley! I missed you! Wh-where is Dalia?" Audrey leaned on Bradley, seeing as though she couldn't stand up straight.
"I took her home and she almost cried"
"What! My Dalia never cries~ maybe I hurt her!" Audrey was talking in an overly-exaggerated voice with huge gasps.
"You did, let's go home" Bradley was calm the whole time as his mind wandered back to when Dalia's dress snapped, her collarbone was already beautiful and in full view, her skin flawless but seeing what he shouldn't really tempted him to touch, to feel and maybe kiss. He wanted to know how it'd feel to glide his hands softly over Dalia as she breathed underneath him, to hold her and touch her. Just a touch~

"Bradley are you listening to me!" Audrey yelled in her boyfriend's face.
"Yes babe, you were talking about Jennifer's marriage" the boyfriend replied with an overly sweet smile. Audrey reciprocated the expression before snuggling to her boyfriend, their driver silently muttering that he wasn't paid enough for this.

Returning to their abode, the couple was surprised seeing Dalia laying on the couch watching TV. They both thought that she'd be asleep now but she seemed wide awake. They quietly went around her before Audrey told Bradley she'll go to sleep since she's tipsy.

Bradley once again disturbed Dalia by sitting on the remainder of the couch.
"This is giving me a sense of deja vu" Dalia lazily said, swinging her arm that was carrying the remote.
"Me too...are you better now?" Bradley was quite concerned for Dalia.
"I am, Jennifer will get what's coming for her" Dalia said those words so smoothly that Bradley didn't think much of it. "By the way, thank you for the Blazer, I'll return it" the man hummed with a small smirk.


"Good morning!" Audrey was up early with a bright smile which dropped when she saw her best friend sleeping on the couch. She shook her awake and Dalia fought with her for a while until she sat wide awake on the couch, looking angry.
"Hey" Dalia stood up after that short word, going to the bathroom. Audrey was taken aback by Dalia's sudden coldness but didn't think much of it, she'll come around.

On the other hand, Dalia was thinking that if she remains angry at Audrey, she might ask her to leave so she gave herself a pep talk about friendship and forgiveness before she made her way to the table, grinning. Food was already served so she helped herself. There was an awkward silence between the two ladies before Audrey cleared her throat.

"How are you after last night?"
"Fine, I was a model so showing my private parts publicly isn't anything new" Dalia said, taking the situation lightly on the outside but inside she was literally dying out of embarrassment.
"How did your dress snap? It was of high quality and very expensive too so it was well made"
"Someone ripped it but it's cool" Dalia offered a stiff smile to her frowning friend.
"Why do I feel like you're talking about Jen? I'm sure she's innocent, she'd never do that" Audrey was so sure that it made Dalia scoff.
"It was her and why are you speaking as if you know her?"
"Me and her are friends" Audrey muttered, lowering her eyes to her almost empty plate.
"Oh...okay...that's good, where does that put me?" Dalia couldn't help but feel jealous.
"You're my number one friend Dalia, don't worry" Dalia really wanted to believe that but that's what all they said before they left her...all of them.

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