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Dalia took a sip on the mug that contained the warm beverage. Winter had ended a while ago, on the contrary it was now summer but she liked coffee.

"Bitter" she smacked her lips as she looked at the black coffee. She was sitting behind her desk in her office, done with her work for the day. Her chair was turned towards the window as she viewed the city skyline.
"If it's bitter then why do you drink it everyday ma'am?" Her secretary asked. She had stayed behind to arrange Dalia's schedule for tomorrow.
"It just reminds me of that night. Yes, I've partially moved on but whenever I see him and his girlfriend, that familiar bitter feeling always lingers. This coffee is sort of a reminder that I always have to swallow that feeling down" Dalia said, her mind wandering back to the day she was rejected and the day she ended her ex friend's relationship.
"That's...deep? But you should be going now, your father's retirement banquet is about to begin" Dalia stood up with a tired sigh, not ready to entertain guests but she had no choice.

After her fight with Audrey, Dalia had cried in her car before she drove home. When she walked through the doors, she didn't expect her father to be waiting for her and to actually be concerned about her. She remembers his words vividly as he told her that there'll always be disappointments in life and such but she doesn't see herself indulging in romance anytime soon.

"You will experience some disappointments and that shouldn't be a hurdle in your road. In business, you may or may not get a contract but that shouldn't demotivate you"

Sure Heath might have directed it to business but it did help Dalia just a bit. She will forever cherish that moment because for the first-time in a long time, her father gave her comfort and wiped her tears. He never bothered to ask what was wrong but Dalia knows she wouldn't have told him either way.

Audrey had immediately broke up with Bradley and they both sold the house and split the money 50/50. Audrey and Dalia didn't talk again but Dalia always saw Audrey around Jennifer but it didn't bother her anymore. Dalia did not talk to Matthew for quite some time, having to get used to the fact that she was friend-zoned but after four months, having completely gotten over him - she reached out to him but who was she kidding, she's not over him.

"I must say, this is a really beautiful party" Heath's friend's wife, Mrs Victor Greene commented, looking around.
"It really is and it's all thanks to Dalia, she arranged everything" Heath chuckled a bit, slightly shoving his daughter forward who was standing a step behind him.
"It's beautiful dear, you have some skill. I never expected this from you, you were always so incompetent as a child. It's truly amazing" Dalia poked her cheek with her tongue in anger before she smiled.
"Thank you but it's nothing really, I just tried" she spoke with a precise tone and with her accent kicking in, thanks to her Luxembourgish ancestry. 
"You're so modest" Dalia excused herself before she wandered around, checking if the guests were all okay before she stumbled upon a lonely looking Audrey in a table. Dalia didn't want to speak to her but she had to because she's the host.

"Are you enjoying the party?" She asked in an almost robotic voice.
"Not really"
"What can I provide to make sure you enjoy yourself?"
"The reason why you slept with my ex" Dalia cringed at the way the words were said with so much hatred.
"I was jealous and I also wanted him, I hated that you got him and you were happy while I was that one single friend but I'm not going to talk about that. The party ends at 21:00 so socialise and enjoy yourself" Dalia did a small head bow before leaving Audrey alone. She knew that when they yelled at each other that day, it was the end of their friendship. Those words can never be taken back and the trust they had on each other was lost. It wouldn't work out.

Dalia was bored. She stood on the highest point of the banquet hall, drinking red wine - she wondered how she'd dance with Matthew, in the place of Priscilla. She had invited them because it would seem unfair to them but now she is rethinking her decision. They were so cosy with each other and looked so in love. She wanted that, with him too. She really would take the first chance she would get to be with him but sadly, Priscilla is back permanently and she and Matthew took off where they left their relationship. How unfortunate.

"I still love you, I never stopped and you make it harder for me to move on when you continuously pamper me and make me feel special" Dalia said, starring intently at the couples who were dancing merrily. Unbeknownst to her, someone heard her. The person really felt guilty, they knew they couldn't do a thing and they hoped that from the distance, Dalia might not notice them. They didn't want to be known.


Well, it ends here. I'm not sure if I ended it well but I'll discuss the story in the note after this one, please read it because I'll also include things that weren't there in the story.

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