Chapter 1

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And though it hurts,
we keep on climbing.
'Cause our addictions take us from inside.

Kill Our Way To Heaven - Michl


The spy flies through the alley, eyes fixed behind her as much they are ahead. Her tracks are silent as death as she narrowly misses crevices and pools of dirty water. Noise is a whore.

Ava had jumped out the window before Lilah came in, hardly having time to grab her phone and her emergency duffle bag. It is brimming with weapons. Being a speedy little girl is difficult when all you do at home is overwork your body because you got fired from your job.

Anyway, the plan is simple. She will leave tonight. Her dad had relations in Wales. She doesn't know how they would react to her return but she is sure they won't turn her away. They can't. She's their orphan relative.

She looks exactly like her mother.

But what if they don't? The stench of the street threatens to choke her. The night seems darker than usual. Her parents wouldn't want her to falter under pressure. Her parents had been killed in a car crash—two highly trained special agents. She should also die in a stupid, domestic way. Not like this.

She can't have distractions. Moments like these are what she has trained for all these years. She will put it into practice.

She will not die. Not tonight. Not like this.

The government announced Pandora rouge. Dale, the head of Pandora, had messaged her. Someone sabotaged them. Told her to run. He told her she will be hunted. Especially her.

She didn't know why and she didn't ask either. She just ran.

Ava won't know tomorrow if she gets captured. Death will be slow and painful.

No. Never like that. Never again.

Her phone buzzes relentlessly in her hand but she ignores it until she is in front of her garage. The alley is empty, cool September air biting through her thin sweatshirt. Maybe she should have grabbed more clothes.

She silently cusses and turns her phone. But her anger soon forges into pain when she sees the name. Slicing, white-hot pain. Lilah.

Her best friend.

"Hey, Lennie." Lilah's voice wavers. "I just got home. I've brought dinner." A pause. "I broke up with Quinn. I'm...I'm really low. I need some girlie time with you. I hope you get home soon."

Ava blinks at the phone longer than she should. The concrete wall behind her feels brittle.

Just a moment. She just needs one moment to breathe, then she will be on her way.

But it isn't just that. She has left a note for Lilah saying that her uncle is in the hospital. The same 'uncle' Ava uses as an excuse when she has to disappear for a while.

Lilah never questioned why she had no other friends. Never once doubted her or saw through the veil. Ava has been lying to her best friend for three years now.

Ava doesn't know if she will ever see Lilah again.

A hand goes to her chest as if to ease the sharp twinge of pain. She doesn't realize, doesn't notice until the footsteps are so near that a close dodge is what saves her from being caught.

Ava stumbles but regains her balance quickly, eyes whipping to the shadowy figure. He stands at six feet, with muscles but not armed with anything but a gun.

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