Chapter 51

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Once the waterworks end, Ava's head is clearer than it has been in the past five months she has spent in the mansion. She didn't even realize how quickly the time passed. The four of them sit around each other, sipping on some juice while filling their stomachs with too much food.

"I want to apologize for the way I acted toward you, Ava." Ren is the first to break the peaceful silence.

"I forgive you," Ava says after quickly assessing her body's response. "But if you are an asshole again, I'm going to break your pretty nose."

"Aw," Some of the carefree charm blooms on his face. Ava has missed it. "She thinks I'm pretty."

Ava shoots him a comically fake smile, making him laugh. For the first time after what feels like forever, it's not cold or empty.

Ava is still ignoring Ivan, not even bothering to look in his direction. Instead, she decides it's time for the hard-hitting questions.

"What happens if I stay?" Ava asks.

There is silence before Lily breaks it. "You join us."

Ava takes a deep breath. "What does that look like for me?"

Ren speaks next. "Despite not being a traditional Italian mafia famiglia, we still like to keep some traditions. Most of our wars aren't fought with weapons, it's by eliciting fear and invoking respect. There will be a blood oath."

Ava chokes on her pineapple juice. "A blood oath. What in the witchcraft—"

"She already bled for us." Ivan's voice is hard. "I don't think she needs to bleed more."

Despite the ease of the conversation, that single line falls over the table like a boulder. Ava stiffens, Ren and Lily following suit.

"But that's tradition," Ren says. "I don't care but if we want the people to accept her—"

"I'll do it." She fights the rise of anger inside her. "But to appease your tradition. It's for you. This is the last time I will prove my loyalty. And it's only because of my sister that I'm doing this in the first place." Ava finishes, sipping her juice to wash out the bitterness that suddenly took over.

"Whatever suits you best," Ivan says sincerely. "It will be arranged."

Ava ignores him. Ava falls into a light conversation with Ren and Lily. She watches their shoulders relax the more she engages with them and feels the weight on her heart slowly shift. She can't help stealing glances at Ivan, whose eyes stay on his plate. But she knows he pays attention whenever Ava has something to say.

As the afternoon turns to evening and the house is shaded with orange remnants of sunlight, Ava excuses herself from the table and walks towards her room. No one follows her, allowing her her space and the time she needs to think things through.

With Esteban and Marvin in the basement and endless rage and betrayal thundering through her body, it's no surprise when she feels the urgency to train again. She makes up her mind. Though she doesn't need to, she might even repair her relationship with Ivan.

Her body still yearns for him and she can't help but realize it's not just for the sex. Ava is terrified of what it could mean.

She takes a long shower in silence and caters to her wounds when she is finished, she is surprised to find Ivan standing on the corner of her bed. Ava regards him silently, his forever cold eyes traveling the length of her, leaving a trail of fire.

"I came to apologize," Ivan says, with less awkwardness than the other times.

Ava crosses her arms, unwittingly pushing her tits up. The little motion doesn't go unnoticed by Ivan. "You're getting better at apologies. But no thanks. I don't care anymore."

Ivan takes the dig well, tilting his head. "Understandable. But you do care. You care enough to make a conscious effort to ignore me. You don't need to do that. I'm sorry my past sent you spiraling, I shouldn't have laid it all on you like that."

Ava considers staying quiet, but her gut throbs with guilt. "I shouldn't have done that. I didn't want any of it to be real."

Ivan blinks at her apology, shocked. But nods his head regardless. "I understand."

She hates to admit it, but she doesn't like him like this. So robotic, mechanically constructed answers, agreeable. This isn't him. But she likes that he doesn't slick his way out of this one.

Effort, she recalls. He stands to gain nothing from this interaction. Effort with no gain is so much sexier.

"I am loyal to my sister." Ava swallows before continuing. "It isn't simply because of blood. I trust her, she has always been kind to me and I like her. The only reason why I'm still here is her and always will be."

"I know," Ivan remarks. "But I'm sorry for saying I trust you and then doubting you."

"That's because I was a bitch to you after you opened up to me," Ava says. "Doesn't take a lot to decode that."

Ivan nods gravely, and she wonders if she dealt him more damage than she first anticipated.

"I'm sorry for telling you to fuck off. That was a pussy move." Ava says.

"I'm sorry for treating you like shit. That was a dick move." The sudden lightness in Ivan's voice earns a dry look from Ava.

"Dick and pussy. Real mature, Chevalier." Ava says flatly.

Ivan passes her a wry smile. "It's a superpower."

"Charming." Ava says with a geniune smile. "Get out of my room now. I need to change."

"Not a valid reason." Ivan teases but turns towards the door anyway. "Since I have already—"

"Ooo-kay, Chevalier." Ava says. "That's where you shut your mouth."

Ivan stops and begins walking towards her. Ava stiffens but she relaxes her features to neutrality. Ava cranes her neck to stare up at him, suddenly overwhelmed by his imposing frame.

"Roman." He says. "Say my name."

Ava cocks her head, jutting out her chin. "Make up your mind."

Ivan's eyes rake down her body again. This time his perusal feels like a touch, threatening to take her breath. Ava internally cusses at her body's reaction. "I have."

Well, shit. Here that goes. 

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