Chapter 54

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His entire body freezes as she begins kissing him and then it goes into overdrive. He had to have been dredging this up from his fantasies because there is no way in fucking hell she is kissing him by her own will.

A shudder goes through his body at the feel of her petal-soft skin. He can't help but dig his nails into it. And her scent, whatever intoxicating concoction she wore to drive him mad from morning to night.

Her lips pull away and he follows them blindly like a fool.

The sight of a sneaky smile growing on Ava's lips stops him. "We should head back."

Ivan narrows his eyes. A persistent feeling has been gnawing at him ever since Ava returned. She is...different. Disconnected. That bright glint in her eyes has disappeared, replaced by something glassier. At first, he thought it was simply the happenings catching up to her.

But now, it looks uglier than that.

He couldn't place a finger on it, and he isn't a man led by emotion, so he let it go.

Until now. Expressions have begun straining Ava's beautiful face. She smiles even when there's no reason to, and sometimes it is terrifying. He is man enough to admit that.

Perhaps her talking to her lunatic therapist is a good idea after all.

"You enticed me for a quick kiss?" He asks.

"God knows you won't get a quick fuck." Ava says, tipping her head up. The last time he saw that head drop was at the mention of Scarlet.

"Careful, Ava." Ivan is teasing her. "You also said I won't be touching you again."

Delight explodes on her face and her eyes lower for a moment before shooting back up to his. It looks strangely similar to an internal win. "I thought I could use some practice."

Ivan goes silent, but his blood roars. He watches her, waiting for her to explain. But she slips from the little space between them and begins walking away.

"You're going the wrong way," Ivan says drily, hardly containing the anger brewing in him.

"Nope." She pops the 'p' like a fucking bratty princess. "I'm going out."

The asshole in him doesn't let him stay put. He marches towards her, catching up easily. "Practice for what, exactly, Ava?"

"Back to first name basis again?" There it is again. Her tone is bitterly chiding, but there is a smile fixed on her cherry lips. "Are you sure you don't want to treat me like a stranger again?"

She doesn't stop. He doesn't plan on it either. "I'm sorry for everything that happened that night."

Ava turns to face him, walking backward to stay on her path. "I don't feel particularly forgiving."

They are getting closer to his garage. Ivan's mind is racing. Is she leaving? Where is she going? Is she going to meet someone? Right after she swore that oath to him?

"That's alright," Ivan says, despite his mind being nowhere in the conversation. He can't help but notice her gait and the arrogant swing of her hips as she closes in on Lily's car. She is about to do something, and it's going to piss him off. Ava throws open the trunk, revealing a shimmering silver dress neatly packed in.

She has roped him in. This is a fucking show. She wants him to see.

He grabs her elbow and turns her to face him. He doesn't miss the flash of anger before those cat-like eyes round on him. Strands of red hair splattered across them do nothing to nullify the fire burning bright.

There she is.

"What are you up to, angel?" He asks through a cold smile. "Are you playing games?"

She rips her elbow out, sidestepping him to jerk the trunk shut. Her shoes rasp on the concrete as she heads to the driver's seat. "No games, Roman. I'm doing whatever the fuck I want for the first time." 

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