Chapter 58

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"Can't check on my people?" Ivan begins walking closer to her. She has two options. Either she can run away or run to him. She chooses neither, frozen stiffly against the door. Her chin tips up to stare at him face, so devoid of expression that a chill passes through her.

"You're shaking." Ivan remarks in a rough tone. "Why are you shaking?"

"I'm not shaking." Ava splurts out, so quick that Ivan tilts his head to get a closer look at her.

"Are you scared?" Ivan leans in, bending at the waist to reach her height. The proximity makes her drop her heels with a soft thud. His eyes turn to the floor before flitting back to her, a teasing smile curving on his mouth.

"Why would I be scared?" Ava whispers, voice hardly steady.

"Did you sleep with him?" His question sends a shock through her body, rousing enough anger for her to focus on her situation. What is she doing getting cornered by him?

As if seeing the thoughts processing in her eyes, he shows her something glinting in his hands. Ava's eyes are drawn before she can help it, and releases a slow breath as she gawks at the knife in his hand. The sight of it immobilizes her, which was exactly his intention.

"I think I would like to see for myself." He raises the blade, and against her better judgement, she shrinks back. "If you don't want the blade to touch your skin, don't move."

Before Ava can process what is happen, he slits the dress down the middle. The tear is so sharp she gasps.

"Easy. I would never hurt you." He drawls, eyes fixed on her skin.

"I don't believe you." Ava says, voice steady this time.

His fingers hook under the fabric and peel it off the shoulders, sliding it down her arms. Her skin breaks out in goosebumps, scorching arousal flooding her body.

Anticipation keeps her still, waiting. What is going to do? How far he going to take it?

"Bold of you to show up with him." He says, his tone cold but voice soft. "Ignoring me, your boss. Your—"

"You're my nothing." Ava gasps out as he yanks the fabric off her completely. The sudden nakedness makes her toes curl inward. "You will always be my nothing."

Ivan pauses. The silence turns Ava's attention to him cautiously. She finds him staring down at the blade, expression so severe she wishes his dark curls didn't obscure so much of it. She becomes aware of the arousal between her legs, almost forgetting all about her plan.

She stays still, waiting for him to indulge so she can snatch it away from him. Waiting for his hunger so she can watch him starve.

It never comes.

His eyes turn back to her, tinted pink with emotion. Ava falters at the look, so haunted her racing mind goes still. What the fuck is going on? Why isn't he...

Why isn't he what?

Ivan pockets his blade, taking a step back. Ava's body screams at the distance between them, which her mind tries to quell to no avail. She is about to open her mouth when his hand grips her elbow and he whips her aside.

Ava stumbles, anger and frustration surging through her body.


He slams the door shut. He's gone.

A breath rushes out of her before she moves to the door. The swinging of her naked tits stops her. She can't chase after him, he tore her fucking dress off. Bastard. Asshole. He must have known Elijah bought her that dress. She liked it, too. By the time she dresses, he will be gone.

Why does she want to stop him, anyway? This was the whole point. She wanted to get under his skin and piss him off. But that look in his eyes didn't look like anger.

It was much, much darker. Guilt, pain, maybe something worse.

Because he was undressing her and she was doing nothing about it.

Because she didn't want to.

Fucking hell. Clearly Ava has no idea what a plan is, because she changes into her comfortable clothes and rushes out of the hotel with all her anger and no purpose. 

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