Chapter 57

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Lily is digging her nails into Ivan's arm. That is the only thing stopping him from getting up and ripping Hofer's arms off his body and burning them for warmth. He should have known. He had seen it that day.

Ava is comfortably nestled next to Hofer, skin flushed such a pretty pink that it makes Ivan want to vomit.

He isn't even paying attention to the announcer. She isn't looking at them, he's not even sure if she knows he's right here at the edge of committing murder.

"You look like you're going to kill someone." Lily says softly.

"I just might." His smile feels frozen on his face. But he takes a deep breath and reverts his attention back to whatever the fuck the man is saying. He's come here for one thing alone. A beach-facing property in Monaco has opened up, he was going to cap it for some connections.

But he thought better of it after having a conversation with Malika.

Regardless of how angry he feels right now, he had promised to take care of that woman for Ava. And he will do it.

A whole hour passes before the topic shifts to his interest. Ivan leans back, almost breaking a sweat from the effort of trying not to look their way. He gives up and cuts a glance to Ava.

She is looking right at him, a champagne flute in her hand. Ivan freezes under her attention, eyes not daring away from his. Hofer, the auctioneer and the two beside him just fade as he stares back at her. She swirls the contents of her drink before taking a sip.

This is a game.

She's toying with him.

And his body reacts in a way that completely betrays him.

Forcing boredom over his features, he looks away from her like she is furniture. If she is fucking around with Hofer to get back at him, let her. He's going to do nothing to feed or kill the fire.

That is until Hofer's voice reaches him.

"Eight." He pitches, checking his watch leisurely. Everything inside Ivan screams at him to just kill the motherfucker. But he calmly waits for the announcer to pause before speaking.

"Twelve." Ivan says.

"Twelve million from the gentleman." The announces calls.


"Thirteen going once. Twice—"

"Fourteen." Ivan is getting extremely irritated.

"Fourteen going..."

He can't think or feel anything more than anger. He needs to belt this down. He promised Malika and he won't break his word to a woman who has lost everything.

"Fifteen." Hofer says.

Ivan's attention shoots to the pair. He hates the sight of them together, now seemingly perfect they look together. They don't. In fact—

"Eighteen." Ivan says finally.

Hofer stays quiet as the announces the property as Ivan's. He doesn't spare them a glance before rising, eyes following the trio as they see their way out. He needs to be alone, away from this obnoxious crowd and the woman who has decided to ruin his day.

Maybe drinking himself to death will make him feel better.


"Did you even want that property?" Ava asks Elijah as they enjoy their dinner.

He smiles. "Not at all. I do love watching Chevalier waste his money, though."

Ava giggles before they fall into a comfortable silence. The property, the pictures...she couldn't help but think about Malika. On their anniversaries, Viral had always taken her to Monaco. She loved the place dearly, always airly poking at her husband about wanting a house facing the water.

She would have loved to live in that house, but now Ivan is just going to use it for selling drugs probably.

Tonight is enough to raise her spirits eventually. She can't miss the way Ivan looked away from her, not a trace of anger in his face. But it was glaring in his eyes, swirling with something so dark Ava couldn't look away.

He's going to do nothing. It's jarringly satisfying for Ava.

"Would you like to come to my apartment for the night?" Elijah asks, interrupting her thoughts.

Ava passes him a look, assessing his offer. Because it is outside of their spoken boundaries. It's an escape, maybe something worthwhile. She knows better than to want anything more than physical from a man like Elijah, even if they have a friendship to fall back on. Just as she is about to answer a woman brushes to their table.

"Elijah." She snaps. "Fancy seeing you here."

Her English accent is posh and dripping with poison. Ava's eyes travel the woman's frame. She is a tall blonde, way too pretty not to be a model. Her bronze skin glows red with the wine in her hand, eyes twinkling a deep shade of green.

"Aurelia." Elijah cuts her a glance. "Did you go blonde to emphasis on your bad decisions?"

Aurelia cuts him a slow, charmed smile. "One of those being you?"

Elijah patiently folds his napkin. "Don't flatter yourself. You never—"

"Lively, as always." She rolls her eyes, moving them to Ava. She immediately stiffens. Ava never knows how to act when intimidating women look at her. "Darling, don't waste your time on him."

That makes Ava relax. She gives the other woman an easy smile. "He doesn't stand a chance with me."

Aurelia draws back, very pleased with Ava's response. She cocks her head towards Ava, giving Elijah a condescending smile that makes him stiffen. It's funny watching Elijah react that way.

"I'll see you around, sweet boy." She says. God, she really must hate him.

"Please stay away from me." He mutters but she is already gone.

Ava lets out a giggle, unable to stop until tears gather in her eyes. "That's the woman? Are you crazy? She is the most beautiful—"

"Please don't," Elijah says, but his pitiful expression squeezes more laughter out of her. It's been too long since she laughed like this.

It draws attention to make Elijah look around with a glint in his eyes. "Look at you, hm?"

Ava shoves food into her mouth without an inch of grace, making Elijah break into a chuckle. With a stuffed mouth, Ava says, "Can't help it, I'm too sexy."

Elijah just shakes his head. They finish their dinner before Elijah drops her at the hotel. She isn't crazy enough to bring him to the mansion, or even keep him in the vicinity of it. She doesn't want him around her sister or lose any brownie points for sabotaging privacy.

She is on her way up when she gets a message from Lily about where she is. Ava smiles down at her phone once before twisting open the door.

"Alone?" Ivan's voice sends a jolt through her body. She stands frozen by the door, eyes wide and stance defensive.

"How did you get in here?" Ava asks, ready to back away.

"I own some of it, after all." He is clothed in black and controlled fury. The wild look in Ivan's eyes distracts her long enough to instinctively enter the room and shut it behind her. "I'm resourceful."

"You exploit." Ava draws a breath to even her erratic pulse. It does absolutely nothing. All it took is him rising to his full height for Ava to avert her eyes. "What do you want?" 

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